[Regreso al KMT]Shen Fuxiong asked Zhao Shaokang with the purpose of returning to the KMT, and he personally exposed the truth behind it-Politics-China Times


After repeated persuasion from former Kaohsiung City Mayor Zhao Shaokang, Zhao Shaokang, he decided to apply to become a KMT member again. He ascended and asked KMT members and people with high ideals to allow the KMT to rise again. In response, former lawmaker Shen Fuxiong asked Zhao Shaokang if he had mentioned this to his wife. He also pointed out that last week Zhao Shaokang had been a bit touched by this, Zhao Shaokang replied that although his wife does not approve of it, but considering the country and the next generation, he should do his best to contribute to the country.

On Day 1, Shen Fuxiong asked Zhao Shaokang if he had spoken with his wife on the political theory show “Shaokang War Room” and if he had taken his wife’s thoughts into account when making the decision. He also noted that one day he met Zhao Shaokang’s wife and found that she looked good, looked younger and more beautiful than before, and she no longer seemed to look at Zhao Shaokang, “I think the value of her life has changed. It is your midlife crisis. Midlife crisis is not a bad thing. Midlife crisis is value change. It is midlife crisis. Your midlife crisis brings your old age crisis. I remind them over and over again that you are 70, although you are better than me. Younger, but your days are running out. “

Shen Fuxiong pointed out that last week Zhao Shaokang showed a bit of his feet and was a bit touched. He also said, “If you don’t move, it’s like a big Peng spreading its wings.” For some people, Zhao Shaokang is like he can’t get out. 2024 is the presidency, but he believes that Zhao Shaokang’s personality is already in place. Even if these two seats are gone, you won’t regret it. Shen Fuxiong wants Zhao Shaokang to explain if you have a chance to do your best National affairs, is it necessary to make a little effort to die without regrets?

In this regard, Zhao Shaokang frankly said that he does have the idea of ​​caring about the country and the people, otherwise why would you go to the sea if you are living well? As for whether the Kuomintang has contacted his wife? Zhao Shaokang said that of course there is communication, but she will never agree, depending on the intensity of the opposition. Zhao Shaokang also explained to his wife: “Taiwan treats us well, everything we have comes from Taiwan. I was born in Taiwan, now that the country is in crisis, shouldn’t I do my best to do things for Taiwan?”

Zhao Shaokang believes that even though I don’t know if we can do it, we should always do our best. “Our generation is fine, but what about the next generation? What should we do about the conflicts between the two sides of the strait? Taiwan’s internal conflicts and international competition? I am very simple. Do you want to think about others and the whole country, especially the next area? I am very concerned about our next generation. “

Although his wife disagreed with him, Zhao Shaokang also said, “Now that the children are grown up and have their own jobs, I think I can bring my own strength,” but it’s another thing that people don’t accept. Then he emphasized what he said in an interview in the morning that the traditional Kuomintang simply likes fake immortals and does not say whether or not to run for election, and wants to break the traditional Kuomintang. “Kuomintang tradition is annoying. Selected.”

(Zhongshi News Network)
