Pull! Top 10 “ Fake Messages ” Released of 2020. CCP and KMT Top Side by Side List | Politics | Sanli News Network SETN.COM


Reporter Chen Zhengyu / Taipei Report

The Democratic Progressive Party held the online voting activity “Dare to Push? Top Ten Fake Messages of 2020” from December 14-17, inviting their own LINE supporters to collectively select the top ten fake messages annually. The poll results were announced today (19), and the party urged the party to submit the fake news about Xiaoying’s essays and the fake videos of the beautiful Kuomintang pigs, respectively, topping the list of false information in foreign categories. and national.

▲ The voting results of the “Top 10 Fake Messages in 2020” were released, and the CCP and the Kuomintang ranked first in two categories. (Combined image / data photo)

Fan Ganghao, the Internet Community Center of the Democratic Progressive Party, stated that the four-day voting campaign and the two types of false information votes each attracted more than 10,000 votes. Among them, the total number of votes for false and false messages from abroad that affect National Security was 11,649, and the total number of false votes for internal affairs that affected nationally reached 12,130, which shows that the People are very concerned about the impact of fake and fake messages in Taiwan.

Fan Ganghao said that in this voting activity, the overseas part that affects national security, “the chairman of the party committee involved in collecting 130,000 forwarding China Xiaoying” fake doctor “” received the most votes (2465 votes), second and third place.It is about the CCP’s Internet army separating Taiwanese flight officers to surrender (1982 votes) and Chinese netizens posing as Taiwanese to attack Tan Desai (1789 votes). Representing false and false information from China is the part that matters the most to people.

▲ The chairman of the party committee involved in the receipt of 130,000 posts from China of Tsai Ing-wen’s “fake doctor” and the KMT’s fake Laizhu video, ranking first in the annual Christmas message list. (Photo / provided by DPP)

Fan Ganghao also said that from the part of the country that affects internal affairs, the KMT’s internationally certified fake film of Lai Pig (2389 votes), and former chief physician Su Weishuo claimed that there are elixirs in the air (956 votes). Related topics, but at the same time they continue to be highly questioned about related rumors and false information. In the epidemic prevention section, at the beginning of 2020, the news that the masks and toilet paper are made of the same raw material was misrepresented, and the news of panic purchase was also included (votes of 1992), and people still remembered her until the end of the year.

Fan Ganghao said that in addition to reflecting supporters’ alertness to false information, the voting results also allowed supporters to review the false information attacks that Taiwan has experienced this year. After the DPP announces the voting results, it will continue to increase the sensitivity of supporters’ news interpretation and fact-checking, and they will work together to avoid false and false information in the new year.

▲ Fan Ganghao explained that in addition to reflecting the alertness of supporters to false information, the voting activities also reviewed the false information attacks experienced by Taiwan this year. (Photo / Obtained from Fan Ganghao’s Facebook)
