Pull! Taitung public officials rushed to kindergarten with 38.4 degrees, 1 child was hospitalized, 4 fever | Life | Sanli News Network SETN.COM


Reporters Jian Ruoyu, Wang Haoyuan / Taitung Report

All the Taiwanese mobilization for the prevention of the epidemic, but there are public officials who take the initiative in breaking the regulations! An inspector from Taitung went to the childcare center to have him inspected. When his forehead temperature was measured at the door, his body temperature was as high as 38.4 degrees, but it did not meet epidemic prevention standards. He continued to enter the facility, touching the baby and moving objects, and the officer subsequently corrected him. Dissatisfied with privately calling the children’s parents to reveal that the nursery could be canceled from the government subsidy, prompting the parents to protest. The center said that as of today, almost two weeks, a total of four children had a fever, four had a high body temperature and one was hospitalized. The Department of Social Affairs also confirmed that the inspector had acted inappropriately, and will investigate and proceed with the investigation.

▲ A Taitung official took his forehead temperature and measured 38.4 degrees, but broke into the nursery without following epidemic prevention rules. (Photo / Photo by reporter Wang Haoyuan)

It is understood that this child care center in Taitung City currently has 21 children aged 0-3 years studying. The nursery manager was interviewed to reestablish the current situation, referring to the routine visit of 2 inspectors that day. According to the POE of epidemic prevention of the Health Office, the first step is to measure the temperature of the forehead, one person measured 37.2 degrees and the other was 38.4 degrees. The director immediately notified her that her forehead temperature was high, but the other party insisted that she was asymptomatic and caused by the heat, so she entered the center without authorization, approached the children who were playing in the hall and touched the cradle.

The person in charge said that the inspector wore a mask and long sleeves. After entering the center, it was suspected that he was cold or too air-conditioned. The teacher was asked to turn off all the fans, but in fact, many children were hot enough to sweat. The visit lasted approximately 2 hours. Upon completion of the visit, the garden immediately notified the Director of Social Affairs and the Health Office staff, and after the children left school, the general environment was disinfected. Unexpectedly, two days later, some children were hospitalized due to physical discomfort. The deadline is almost today. Within two weeks, a total of four had a fever, four had a high body temperature, and one was hospitalized.

The person in charge noted that after the incident, the inspector privately called the boy’s parents, saying that a child care worker had just quit his job and that the center could be punished for violating the staffing ratio, which even it would affect the public trust grant of 6,000 yuan every month. , Which implies that the parents can move the baby to other places and also asks the parents not to reveal that she told them, but the content of the conversation was recorded by the parents.

▲ When interviewed, the head of the center stated that one child is currently hospitalized in the park and four have a fever. (Photo / Photo by reporter Wang Haoyuan)

Taitung’s social director Chen Shulan confirmed the incident, saying that the auditor surnamed Zhou hired a social worker and did not act in accordance with regulations. The temperature exceeded the standard and was verified internally, which was obviously inappropriate. For colleagues who did not strictly adhere to the epidemic prevention measures during the guard process, he immediately apologized to the garden party and conducted an internal review. After the investigation, the inspector will be discussed.
