Publicly Funded Flu Vaccine Starts Day 5! 10 groups of breeds can be vaccinated for free | Life | Newtalk


The publicly funded influenza vaccine will be released tomorrow (5), and the publicly funded implementation targets this year are the same as last year.Image: New head shell profile photo

The publicly funded flu vaccine will be released tomorrow (5) and the publicly funded implementation targets this year are the same as last year Image: New profile photo of head shell

The publicly funded flu vaccine will be launched tomorrow (5). This year, due to increased awareness of the prevention of the COVID-19 (Wuhan pneumonia) epidemic, the vaccination situation is expected to be more active. The public spending targets for this year are the same as last year, and the relevant certification documents need to be brought into the fight.

The command center noted that this year’s publicly funded flu vaccination targets are the same as last year, including children older than 6 months before entering elementary school, elementary school students to elementary school. secondary (vocational), adults over 50, high risk chronic diseases and rare diseases with potential diseases. Patients with serious illnesses and injuries, pregnant women and parents of infants under 6 months of age, daycare staff and daycare professionals, caregivers and nurses, nursing and long-term care institutions, medical and health institutions, etc. The staff involved in epidemic prevention and related industries such as poultry and livestock farming, zoo staff and animal epidemic prevention staff, etc., except centralized vaccination of students on campus, the rest of publicly funded items may carry health insurance cards and related documents after opening on October 5. (For example: Child Health Manual, Maternal Health Manual, etc.) Go to the contracted hospital for vaccination.

The command center further noted that the publicly funded quadrivalent influenza vaccines provided this year have a total of 3 brands, of which 2 are for chicken embryo egg culture and 1 for cell culture. All have passed Food and Drug Administration inspection, and quality and safety are guaranteed. The public must be evaluated by a physician prior to vaccination. People who are known to be allergic to vaccine components or who have experienced a severe lack of response to injections in the past should not be vaccinated; people with fever or moderate to severe acute illness should wait until their condition is stable before vaccination.

The command center recalls that to save waiting time, people are encouraged to make an appointment with the contracted hospital after the call begins on October 5; If the hospital only provides on-site registration, you can call the contracted hospital to inquire about the remaining status of the vaccine before you go there. .

The list of contracted hospitals can be consulted through One Netcom for Influenza Prevention and Control of the Department of Disease Control, the Disease Manager or the 1922 Epidemic Prevention Hotline. Medical institutions are also requested to schedule with anticipating vaccination appointments and on-site registration, to divert crowds, to avoid confusion in the queue, and to prioritize vaccination for those who have made the appointments.

The publicly funded influenza vaccine will be launched tomorrow (5), this year due to the awareness of the prevention of the COVID-19 (Wuhan pneumonia) epidemic has increased

The vaccination situation is expected to be more active. The public spending targets for this year are the same as last year, and the relevant certification documents need to be brought into the fight.

The command center noted that this year’s publicly funded flu vaccine deployment goals are the same as last year
