Prince Harry regrets having come to the United States. Regrets to former military colleagues that life was a disaster-udn 联 联网


  1. Prince Harry regrets going to the United States? Regretting the ex-army in his robe, regretting that his life was in bad shape udn United News Network
  2. Harry complained that “life is upside down”! Close Friends Revealed: Miss Life in the ET Army Today
  3. British Media: Harry reveals to his friends that “life is turning upside down” and misses the brotherhood of life in the military.
  4. British Prince Harry and his wife Meghan sue gossip media, in part fired by judge udn United News Network
  5. Megan sued the tabloids for illegal publication of personal letters from father and daughter, the judge dismissed some of the charges.
  6. Go to Google News to see the full story