President of the Czech Republic Talks About Visiting Taiwan Bank: All Members Are Very Satisfied | The President of the Czech Senate | CCP Threats | Wang Yi


[La Gran Época, 5 de septiembre de 2020]The president of the Czech Senate, Vitzi, took almost 90 people to visit Taiwan. He revealed that all members of the delegation shared their thoughts on the visit to Taiwan and expressed their satisfaction. Everyone even naturally clapped at the end of the exchange.

According to a report by the Central News Agency, the president of the Czech Senate, Miloš Vystrčil, led a delegation of 89 people to Taiwan on August 30. The delegation included scientific researchers, parliamentarians and business representatives. The delegation returned to the Czech Republic on a special plane at 11 pm on the 4th. It can be said that Xing is the highest level delegation to visit Taiwan since the Czech Republic became a democratic country in 1989, which symbolizes Taiwan’s diplomatic advance in Europe.

The Speaker of the Czech Parliament talks about the visit to the Taiwan Bank: all members of the delegation are very satisfied
The Czech delegation to Taiwan arrived at Taoyuan International Airport on the afternoon of the 4th and returned to the Czech Republic by special plane. The President of the Senate of the Czech Republic, Miloš Vystrčil (2 from left), delivered a speech before embarking, thanking the government of Taiwan for organizing the visit. (Central News Agency)

Around 10:40 pm on the 4th, Vitzy arrived at the boarding gate of the Taoyuan airport accompanied by the chairman of the Legislative Yuan, You Xikun. In his speech, Vitzy said he hadn’t seen such a creative and free-thinking person in a long time. Everyone is united, he also quoted a Czech as saying that “everything bad will bring good results.” In addition to a growing friendship with Taiwan, he also hopes to bring investment opportunities to the Czech Republic.

“The Czech Republic and Taiwan have a consensus to make freedom and democracy a reality, and to promote them around the world.” Vitzi said that during his stay in Taiwan, he was very happy and there is still a lot of work and hard work to do in the future. She quoted the Czech saying: “People get more when they do good things without asking for anything.” He thanked politicians and aid teams on both sides, boarded the special plane after rubbing shoulders with You Xikun and other staff from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and said goodbye.

Witzi delivered a speech at the Legislative Yuan on the 1st, saying in Chinese “I am Taiwanese” and expressing his support for a free and democratic Taiwan. This not only caused a sensation in Taiwan, there were also websites in the Czech Republic that immediately started selling T-shirts printed with “I am Taiwanese” in Czech and English pinyin, and inquiries were interrupted. Regarding whether “I am Taiwanese” was also a surprise that he had prepared for Taiwanese beforehand, Witzy said with a smile, although not quite, he did feel that he would end his second big speech in Taiwan with “I am Taiwanese”. appropriate.

He revealed that on the night of the 3rd, around 35 business representatives of the delegation, the dean and vice dean of the Czech Academy of Sciences, etc., communicated in an atmosphere of full mutual trust. Everyone shared their thoughts on visiting Taiwan in 1 to 1.5 minutes. All visiting Taiwanese banks expressed their satisfaction, and even naturally applauded at the end of the exchange.

Vitzi said, as head of the delegation, “what could be better than this?”

The Speaker of the Czech Parliament talks about the visit to the Taiwan Bank: all members of the delegation are very satisfied
The Czech delegation left Taiwan on the night of September 4. The President of the Czech Senate, Miloš Vystrčil (facing left 2) delivered a speech before boarding, thanking the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and relevant government personnel for their help in organizing this visit to Taiwan. (Central News Agency)

As for whether it is possible to lead a delegation to visit Taiwan again, Vitzi said that this issue was also discussed on the night of the 3rd, but there are many prerequisites for the trip, including the specific substantive effects after visiting Taiwan, such as the opening of the direct flight Taipei-Prague and Taiwan Czech Republic. Economic and trade cooperation has increased and public opinion has increased its support for the development of bilateral relations.

Vitzi said that to ensure the success of his trip to Taiwan, he and would-be acquaintances worked step by step, focusing on the big picture and working on the little ones. After returning to the Czech Republic, to promote the “big step” in the future, you still need to take each “one” step by step. Small steps “.

He revealed that he has shared this idea with ROC Foreign Minister Wu Zhaoxie many times. He also expressed that on the way to the goal one should not be impetuous, but not too negative. The ideal speed to take each step must be found, just like the management. The standard of study “may be gentle, but firm.”

Intimidated by Wang Yi: I am afraid but I am brave to visit Taiwan

During the visit of the Czech delegation to Taiwan, he came under pressure from the CCP and even caused the CCP Foreign Minister Wang Yi to publicly threaten Vitzi with “paying a high price.” Vitzi responded on day 4 that he felt fear and concern when intimidated by this, but courage does not lie in not being afraid, but in overcoming fear.

Vitzy emphasized that what he cannot accept is that the Czech Republic is in a subordinate and humiliating position in relation to the CCP, and that he does not want the Czech economy to be too dependent on and subject to the CCP. In history, the Czech Republic has also depended on and was subject to another undemocratic power (ie, the Soviet Union). ).

Before leaving to visit Taiwan, Vitzi told the Czech media several times that depending and being subject to an undemocratic regime is very dangerous for the sovereign independence and economic security of a country, ending the state of obeying the Party. Chinese Communist and avoiding the repetition of historical errors. The sooner the better.

During their stay in Taiwan, Vitzi and others met with President Tsai Ing-wen, President of the Legislative Yuan You Xikun, President Su Zhenchang, Foreign Minister Wu Zhaoxie, Minister of Health and Welfare Chen Shizhong and others. . They received the Congressional First Class Diplomatic Medal of Honor in the Legislative Yuan, gave speeches and attended. The Taiwan-Czech Trade and Economic Investment Forum and the “Restructuring the supply chain: Forum on promoting resilience among like-minded partners” jointly organized by the United States, Taiwan, Europe and Japan.

The Speaker of the Czech Parliament talks about the visit to the Taiwan Bank: all members of the delegation are very satisfied
The Czech delegation ended its 6-day visit to Taiwan. On the night of September 4, the Mayor of Prague, Zdeněk Hřib (formerly) came to the waiting room of Taoyuan Airport, donned an epidemic prevention mask, and greeted the media and the Ministry of External relationships. Goodbye. (Central News Agency)
The Speaker of the Czech Parliament talks about the visit to the Taiwan Bank: all members of the delegation are very satisfied
On the night of September 4, the Czech delegation took a flight back to Taoyuan airport and the delegation members said goodbye to the media with suitcases printed with the national flags of Taiwan and the Czech Republic. (Central News Agency)

Editor in Charge: Zhong Yuan
