President Kang Xuan came out 6 times and lied about “only 2 times”, the Health Bureau changed a hefty fine of 1 million udn UNRWA!


  1. President Kang Xuan came out 6 times and lied about “only 2 times”, and the Health Bureau changed a hefty fine of 1 million udn UNRWA!
  2. Old Man Dong Kang Xuan is lying! The New Taipei Health Bureau increased the fine and issued 1 million yuan for the sixth exit in 3 days for residential inspection. Free Times Newsletter
  3. News / 6 deliberately hidden exits! Dong, Kang Xuan’s veteran, does not quarantine at home, New Taipei imposes heavy fines on one million ETtoday News Cloud
  4. 6 rapes! Kang Xuan, Dong Zuo, prosecutors, deliberately concealed and changed a hefty 1 million fine from Sanli News
  5. Kang Xuan Li Wanji went out to home quarantine 6 times and also hid that New Taipei City was fined 1 million pesos
  6. Go to Google News to see the full report