Play fast! Eight Medical Centers Have Half of Their Self-Funded Flu Vaccines Left, and Three Are Sold Out, and National Taiwan University Needs to Make an Appointment to Register | Apple News | Apple Daily


Affected by the Wufei epidemic, the public is concerned that the two diseases will occur in the winter. This year, publicly funded flu vaccines were rushed. To avoid rushing to displace the elderly over 65 and young children from 6 months to before school, the Department of Disease Control recently announced the suspension of publicly funded flu shots for people between 50 and 64 years as of October 17. However, many people in this age group have transferred to self-funded vaccines. There are 1.15 million doses of self-financed vaccines throughout Taiwan. Many hospitals said that after the announcement of the ban, the dose of self-funded vaccines increased by about 10% every day. Many hospitals reported that the current inventory is only about 1 and a half left.

This year’s flu vaccine, funded with public funds, is not given in stages like last year. At first, it was aimed at higher levels. Therefore, it is aimed at people over 65, medical personnel, children 6 months before school, adults 50-64 years, etc. Meet publicly funded targets for large-scale attacks. In particular, people between the ages of 50 and 64 have exceeded expectations. The target vaccination rate is 18.7%, which has now reached 14.7%.

After the Ministry of Health and Welfare suspended publicly funded influenza vaccination for people aged 50-64 on October 17, “Apple News” today (10/19) specially resolved the current self-financed influenza vaccination in the main hospitals. The National Taiwan University Hospital stated that a total of 4,000 doses of flu vaccine were purchased on its own this year, which is about the same as last year. However, it was not used until November of last year. More than half were destroyed in just two weeks this year. Currently there are less than 2,000 doses left; all self-funded vaccines are registered. , You can get vaccinated only if you have registered and do not agree to the doctors calling.

National Taiwan University announced today that the administration of publicly funded influenza vaccines will be suspended. (Including General Hospital and Children’s Hospital) Follow-up will depend on the vaccine supply situation prior to an announcement. Those who vaccinate on their own are still limited to registration of appointments (registration on site is not accepted). The National Taiwan University Hospital stated that there is currently no limit on the number of self-funded flu vaccines, and the family medical department can call them if they are registered.

Zhenxing Hospital stated that in previous years, the purchase of self-funded flu vaccines was between 1,200 and 1,500 doses per year. This year, the purchase has increased. There are a total of 2,000 self-funded vaccines. Since opening in October, the hospital has administered 800 doses of self-funded vaccines and the remaining 1,200 doses. Before the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare announced that people between 50 and 64 would stop fighting, the daily dose was 50 to 60 doses. After the announcement, the daily dose was increased from 70 to 80 doses, an increase of about 10%.

The Taipei Medical University Hospital bought 2,000 doses of flu vaccine on its own this year, compared with 1,600 doses last year. Only 1,500 doses were used in March and April this year, and 1,000 doses were used in the first two weeks of this year. There are still 750 doses. People asked about their own flu vaccine as early as September this year.

The Chang Gung Memorial Hospital purchased nearly 2,000 doses of self-funded flu vaccines this year. The amount is roughly the same as last year. However, in previous years, self-funded flu vaccines will not be used until November through December. This year, more than half of the vaccines were used in just two weeks. Currently, only 900 doses are available to the public reserve.

According to the statistics from Xinguang Hospital, the flu has bought 1,000 doses on its own this year, and about 550 doses have been administered, and there are about 450 doses left. The average dose is 40 to 50 doses per day. It is determined that there will be a second batch of purchases on own account, but the time has not yet been determined. Mackay Hospital purchased 1,000 doses of flu vaccine on its own this year, of which 670 doses have been received and 330 doses remain.

The General Hospital of the Three Armed Forces of Neihu reported that this year 140 doses of influenza vaccines were purchased on their own and began to be administered in home medical offices on October 5. As of today they have all been administered. Sanzong said that it originally ordered 200 doses, the manufacturer only ordered 140 doses, and the manufacturer urged that the remaining 60 doses arrive as soon as possible.

Taipei’s President Rong declared that the current publicly funded adult flu vaccine is temporarily out of stock and the vaccination service will be suspended from today. Subsequent distribution of vaccines from the Disease Control Agency will take place and appointments will be opened immediately. For the self-funded vaccine, the medical department still has the remaining amount for the public to administer.

Mackay Hospital said this year’s self-funded flu vaccine buys 1,000 doses and currently 670 doses; publicly funded vaccines are available in the hospital from 6 months to less than 3 years; there is no vaccine for adults over 3 years old and it will also be stopped.

Cathay Pacific Hospital said that this year, the four hospitals – Xizhi Cathay Pacific, Hsinchu Cathay Pacific and Neihu Cathay Pacific Clinic – have used a total of 2,400 doses of self-funded flu vaccines. There are currently 200 ~ 300 doses in stock, and later manufacturers will continue to buy some vaccines on your own.

Zhang Fengyi, president of the Taiwan Infection Control Institute, said that the number of publicly funded influenza vaccines this year is also slated to be 6.03 million doses based on past experience. Even if Taiwan has a stock of 6 million doses in the past, there will still be people who will need to urge them if they haven’t finished. The situation this year was affected by the Wuhan pneumonia epidemic and the situation was more active.

Zhang Fengyi said that due to the threat of the Wuhan pneumonia epidemic this year, people have been wearing masks and maintaining social distancing measures, so it is estimated that the flu epidemic will not increase by the end of this year. If people who cannot get the flu vaccine, there are enough antiviral medications for the flu today, and those who cannot get the flu vaccine should not panic. (Huang Zhongqiu, Lin Fangru / Taipei Report)

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