Pfizer’s vaccine is good news, but the CEO sells a large stake | TechNews Technology News


Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla recently revealed that on the day the vaccine was released, he sold a lot of shares and made $ 5.6 million, but this was legal.

According to documents from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Bourla sold a large number of shares on the same day the vaccine was launched, earning $ 5.6 million. Pfizer Executive Vice President Sally Susman also cut her holdings by nearly $ 1.8 million. The completion of the pre-established 10b5-1 trading plan did not basically violate the Securities Exchange Law.

Of course, this is still highly negotiable, and has even been criticized by regulators, but it’s hard to accuse it of insider trading. Because executives of publicly traded companies often receive part of their compensation in the form of shares, most of them will be in charge of selling shares on a regular basis to avoid insider trading disputes. A spokesperson for Pfizer Pharmaceuticals said these transactions are just personal financial plans of the executives. When the shares reach a certain price, they will be sold and basically authorized in advance.

(Source: Google Finance)

But for investors, it is not convincing: if they believe that the price of the shares will be higher, then why sell them? For example, Moderna with the same topic also had the same situation and is under investigation, and its executives continued to sell a large number of shares. Today, the shares sold by Albert Bourla are close to 61.8% of its total stake.[份了,所以此舉仍然受到關注。

值得一提的是,有相關人士樂觀的表示,在製藥這個行業中,生態就是這樣的,一旦成功對整個世界都會有正面影響,比起 CEO 賣股賺的那些小錢來講更值得,也是管理人應得的獎勵,這就是資本主義,並沒有什麼問題。當然相對的,Moderna 直接接受美國政府的資金,就比較可議,而輝瑞在研發過程中並未受到計畫補貼。

無論如何,這都不算是違法行為,頂多只能說疫苗發布的時間選得太剛好了,這與 Bourla 承諾疫苗發布與政治無關,相映成趣。所以美國國證券交易委員會主席 Jay Clayton 也只能進行道德勸說,希望在如今疫情肆虐下,這些製藥業高層不要再輕易拋售股票,給市場造成不必要的影響。


