Penguin Girl live stream unexpectedly! “Shake the amount of money” exposed screaming and eliminated fans all dumbfounded | New | NOWnews Today News


Penguin Girl live stream unexpectedly! “Shake the amount of money” exposed screaming and eliminated fans all dumbfounded | New | NOWnews Today News

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Penguin Girl live stream unexpectedly! “ Shaking the amount of money ”, the screams exposed and eliminating the fans are dumbfounded

Editorial Center / General Report

2020-12-27 13: 15: 36 |2020-12-27 13:15:44

▲ Sister Penguin broadcasts his own sexual history live, Cheng Chen has tried one night stands and sexual behavior of various people.  (Photo / Penguin Girl IG)
▲ Sister Penguin traveled to the United States in recent years to develop and become a live action host. The sweet looking girl attracts countless fans. (Photo / Penguin Girl IG)

The famous South Korean internet penguin (Ryu Yunjin 윰 찌니, Jinny) has a sweet appearance. It developed from Korea to Taiwan and then it went from Taiwan to Europe and the United States. He also has over 200,000 fans on IG, which is very popular. However, some netizens broke the news that “Girl Penguin accidentally exposed the amount of money in the bucket!” The post sparked a heated discussion.

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The original PO noted in a PTT post that “Penguin accidentally exposed the amount in the bucket. The total amount in the bucket is $ 357,865. The intellectual property of the American audience is valuable. It is good.”

▲ Penguin's live stream cut the wrong image, causing herself to be exposed by the amount of shaking.  (Photo / PTT)
▲ Penguin’s live stream cut the wrong image, causing herself to be exposed by the amount of shaking. (Photo / PTT)

I saw that in the backup video posted, the Penguin girl was supposed to switch to the video screen, but she accidentally clicked on the live backstage home page, thus revealing how much nervousness it shook her, and said “357,865 US dollars”. When she saw that she cut the wrong image, Penguin screamed too, and then she deleted the film, but some netizens backed her up. As soon as the post came out, netizens responded: “Taiwan dollar 10873012, am I wrong?”, “Stunned … does the live streamer earn so much?”, “Earn so much … no wonder I went to the United States to develop = = Taiwanese do not have the economic resources “,” It is much more than imagined “,” What happens to a group of children volcanic subsidiaries? “,” This year’s income should directly exceed the 100 million yuan … Am I dumbfounded? Too exaggerated “,” It turned out to be US dollars … unbelievable. ” (Editor: Zhang Jiazhe)

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