Pence: Refusing to fire Trump and play political games without succumbing to pressure | Amendment of Article 25 | Pelosi


Trump’s mandate with only 8 days to invoke the 25th Amendment is neither in the constitution nor in the national interest

[La Gran Época, 13 de enero de 2021](reported Lin Yan, reporter for The Epoch Times) United States Vice President Mike Pence formally responded to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and Democrats in writing at 8 p.m. Tuesday (January 12) Nancy Pelosi, is not in accordance with the Democrats’ request to follow the 25th Amendment to impeach President Trump.

He wrote: “Now, with only 8 days in the (Trump) presidency, you and the Democratic group are asking the Cabinet and me to invoke Amendment 25. I think such actions are not in line with our country. country does not conform to our constitution. “

Pence added: “Last week, I did not succumb to pressure, I did not exceed my constitutional authority to exercise the power to determine election results, and now I will not succumb to the House’s efforts to play political games at such a serious time in our country. . “

He called on Democratic and Republican congressmen to refrain from actions that would further divide and intensify current popular sentiments. “As we prepare to make President-elect Joe Biden (Joe Biden) the next president of the United States, let’s work together (to cool things down) and unite our country,” Pence said.

The following is the full translation of Pelosi’s answer by Pence.

All Americans are shocked and saddened by the attack on the Capitol last week. I thank you and other Congressional leaders for your leadership in reconvening Congress and completing people’s business that day. At this time, the American people were shown that Congress can still be united when it is needed most.

But now, with only 8 days remaining in the presidency, you and the Democratic group are asking the cabinet and me to invoke Amendment 25. I believe that such action does not benefit our country or conform to our constitution. Last week, I did not succumb to pressure, I did not overcome my constitutional authority to exercise power to determine election results, and now I will not succumb to the House’s efforts to play political games at such a dire time in the life of our country.

You know very well that the 25th Amendment aims to solve the problem of the inability or inability to act of the president. Just a few months ago, when he proposed legislation to establish an Article 25 Amendment Committee, he said, “Whether the president is fit for office must be determined by science and fact.” You said at the time that we must “respect a lot, we do not make judgments based on comments or behaviors that we do not like, but based on medical decisions.” Madam President, you are right. Under our Constitution, Amendment 25 is not a means of punishment or embezzlement. Invoking the 25th Amendment in this way would set a terrible precedent.

After last week’s terrorist incident, the energy of our government has been focused on ensuring an orderly transition. The Bible says: “Everything has a time, and everything under the world has a time … There is a time to heal, … There is a time to settle down.” This time is now. After a global pandemic, millions of Americans in financial distress, and the tragic events of January 6, now is the time to unite and now is the time to heal.

I urge you and all members of Congress to avoid actions that further divide and intensify current public sentiments. As we prepare to make President-elect Biden the next President of the United States, let’s work together (to cool the situation) and unite our country. I assure you that I will continue to do my best to sincerely cooperate with the new government to ensure the orderly transfer of power. God help me. “

Vice President Mike Pence officially responded in writing to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and Democrat Pelosi at 8 p.m. Tuesday. He disagreed with the Democrats’ request to invoke the 25th Amendment to impeach President Trump. (Pence office)

Editor in charge: Ye Ziwei #
