Block the country and stop the epidemic! Japan will completely ban all new entries from foreign countries from 28 to the end of January next year-News-Censer Rti

[ad_1] Block the country and stop the epidemic! Japan will completely ban all new entries from foreign countries from 28 to the end of January next year-News-Censer Rti Time: 2020-12-26 22:10 News Quote: Interview Editorial editor: news editor Japan announced on the night of the 26th that it will blockade …

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Strange camper plays “there’s a bomb” countdown to detonate, causing 3 injuries, rumored to have remains-International-China Times News

[ad_1] According to reports from Tennessean and USA Today, witnesses in Nashville, Tennessee said a camper had repeatedly broadcast the “bomb inside, evacuate quickly” warning. It exploded after 15 minutes. Nashville Mayor John Cooper said the bombing has affected more than 20 buildings and injured 3 people, but remains of …

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Do not let the central government ruin the Wuhan Taiwanese business quarantine point to break trust in the popular network analysis: Ke P’s voice volume has never recovered | Politics | Newtalk Newtalk

[ad_1] Ke Wenzhe’s voice has been ignored since February 2 when he broke the news that Taiwanese businessmen in Wuhan returned to Taiwan’s quarantine point. Image: Zhang Liangyi / Photo Taipei Mayor Ke Wenzhe celebrated the sixth anniversary of his inauguration yesterday (25). In a press conference, he detailed his …

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Duan Yikang, legislator for the candidacy of Kuang Bang 3: openly questioning the ability of the ruling team to betray | Politics |新 头壳 Newtalk

[ad_1] Duan Yikang posted a message on Facebook tonight and bombarded the three DPP lawmakers who voted.Image: Flip Duan Yikang’s Facebook page The Legislative Yuan voted yesterday to approve an administrative order for the importation of pigs. However, DPP lawmakers Lin Shufen, Jiang Yongchang and Liu Jianguo violated the party’s …

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[Exclusiva / Reproducción del sonido original]Forced Harvesting of Lishan Honey Apples by a Judicial Officer Severely Drowned by Illiterate Farmers Who “Don’t Read the Law” | Apple News | Apple Daily

[ad_1] (New photo) A fruit farmer named Wang (65), who rented land in Lishan, Taichung, to grow honey apples and other crops, accused him of harvesting about 2 kilograms of old honey apples, which was forcibly collected by the owner and his friends . The prosecutor’s office with the surname …

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The Chinese Academy of Sciences suspects the firing test of the “Taiwan version of THAAD” Tiangong three extended-range missiles, the mainland intelligence ship has been tracked

[ad_1] The Chinese Academy of Sciences suspected a test firing of the Tiangong three extended-range missile “Taiwan version of the THAAD” The Chinese Academy of Sciences carried out an artillery test firing at the Jiupeng base in Pingtung yesterday (25) evening. Rumor has it that it was a test firing …

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United Petrochemical Industry Concerned Over Degradation of Dashe Industrial Zone Triggers Chain-Breaking Crisis | Industrial Hotspot | Industry

[ad_1] Opposing the degradation of large areas of social work, the petrochemical industry established a self-help society to expand the struggle.Reporter Wang Zhaoyue / Photography The petrochemical industry is united. In response to the Kaohsiung Taishe industrial park degradation case, the Labor Self-Help Association will launch a parade of 10,000 …

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