The first case of a British variant of the virus to invade Taiwan! Chen Shizhong: “Block the country for a month” on New Year’s Day in Taiwan | Life | Sanli News Network SETN.COM

[ad_1] Life Center / Reported by Liu Peiyu Three of the passengers returning to Taiwan from the UK on the 27th were diagnosed, including a man with a fever. Chen Shizhong, the commander of the Epidemic Central Command Center, said that after inspection, it was confirmed that it was a …

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All three financial industries made big gains on November 1, and Duntai Touch IC plans to go up. Unmissable financial news for today | Anue Juheng-Taiwan Stock News

[ad_1] Taiwan shares are closed today (31). There are nine major pre-market news, including the financial industry’s pre-tax surplus of 646.3 billion yuan on November 1, which continues to reach a record high; Goodix Touch IC will increase the price by 30% Thailand is evaluating whether the increase will continue …

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Chicken Pai Girl Cares About Nude Photos Revengeful Outflow and Fall Out of Medical Beauty Clinic “Pegs 1.5 Million” | Entertainment | NOWnews Today News

[ad_1] Chicken Pai Girl Cares About Nude Photos Revengeful Outflow and Fall Out of Medical Beauty Clinic “Pegs 1.5 Million” | Entertainment | NOWnews Today News Reporter Luo Lingjun / Taipei Report 2020-12-30 18: 05: 46 |2020-12-30 18:18:37 NOW Survey Center I’m an ad, keep reading © Today Media (Stock) …

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Ma Ying-jeou Ai will be sent to prison and Lai Suru is sentenced to 7 and a half years and cried: I don’t want to | Society |

[ad_1] Reporter Peiqi Yang / Taipei Report[Publicadoalas10:01el30/12|Textoactualizadoalas10:39|Actualizadoalas12:00:Seagregaronaudioyvideo] Former Taipei City Councilor Lai Suru, known as former President Ma Ying-jeou, was accused of using the Gemini development case to solicit 15 million yuan in bribes from the Taichi Twins team. The Supreme Court rejected Lai Suru’s appeal a few days ago …

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The whole world admires Taiwan! Tsai Ing-wen’s economic, national defense and diplomatic satisfaction reached a record | Politics | Sanli News Network SETN.COM

[ad_1] Reporter Zhang Zhiqian / Taipei Report The Taiwan Public Opinion Foundation announced today (29) a national survey for December 2020. In terms of satisfaction with the governance of President Tsai Ing-wen, 52.8% are satisfied and 36.3% are dissatisfied. In various aspects of governance, satisfaction with economic performance reached 58.0%, …

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