China Uncovers 1 Confirmation Case from Taiwan Export Command Center Case 552 2 Rejuvenation after Yin Harvest | Health | Sanli News Network SETN.COM

[ad_1] Reporter Chen Yi / Taipei Report China’s Shanghai Health Commission announced the discovery of 1 case late last yearDepart from TaiwanWuhan’s pneumonia case (COVID-19, new coronary pneumonia) was confirmed by the China Epidemic Central Command Center as a 552 male. He went to the other side after being discharged …

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New Year’s Eve activities, Wenzhe Ke wins the championship, net approval: Use ten thousand people to continue political life | Politics |新 头壳 Newtalk

[ad_1] Today’s Facebook fan special “Voice Volume Sees Politics” (1st) uses New Year’s-related keywords to analyze the volume of voice of political figures through the news volume system. Photo: Obtained from “Politics in Volume” from Facebook fans In response to the serious situation of the current epidemic, the New Year’s …

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