Kim Jong-un’s Sister Accidentally Expelled from North Korea’s Politburo | Kim Yo-jung | Biden | Relations between the United States and North Korea

[ad_1] [La Gran Época 12 de enero de 2021](Epoch Times reporter Xie Jiaxuan’s full report) According to a report by North Korean state media on Monday (January 11), North Korean leader Kim Jong-un’s sister and still Central Committee member Kim Yoo Zheng was accidentally excluded from the list of candidates …

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Constantly updated “The steps of a doctor infected with the epidemic revealed that Taoyuan Starbucks and Zhenyu Hardware stores closed for disinfection-Life-Zhongshi

[ad_1] The All-Union Luzhu Dazhu store is temporarily closed due to inventory and disinfection of the stores. (Photo by Jiang Fei) The store said it will resume operations tomorrow. (Photo by Jiang Fei) (Update at 15:30) A hospital in the north was suspected of having nosocomial infection. Dajiang Mall and …

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