Fight for generations! Tsai Ing-wen: I have a dream “more than half of presidents under 40” | Politics | Sanli News Network SETN.COM

[ad_1] Political Center / Full Report The DPP launched the summer youth camp “Island Future Youth on the Field” in 2020, and successively held “Democracy! Lectures for Political Officials”, “Anything! National Youth Flagship Camp”, “Big Chess Game! Asian Democracy Defense Station Cross -Strait and International Three series of course camps, …

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China hides the virus! US Secretary of Health Reveals “Tipping Point”: Information from Taiwan is Based on Information | International | Sanli News Network SETN.COM

[ad_1] International Center / Reported by Huang Yunxuan Wuhan pneumonia (COVID-19, new corona pneumonia) is spreading around the world. Under the epidemic, it is a “global political storm”. It is questioned that China may be at the beginning of the epidemic. The world’s trust in WHO is deteriorating. They believe …

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23 Norwegian elders died after being vaccinated with Pfizer, Japanese experts made more dangerous suggestions … | International |新 头壳 Newtalk

[ad_1] Masahiro Shang, president of the Japan Institute of Medical Management, suggested that Japan might consider introducing Chinese vaccines so as not to delay vaccination time Image: Reversed from Weibo In Norway, 23 people recently died after being vaccinated with vaccines developed by and BioNTech in Germany, and all …

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[Kaohsiung Fire]The rescue is ineffective! 1-year-old girl died and her mother hugged her baby and fell from a building, a total of 4 deaths | Apple News | Apple Daily

[ad_1] (Just Added: Firefighter Expert Opinion, Girl’s Rescue Not Valid Today) A house fire in Fengshan, Kaohsiung, occurred early in the morning yesterday, causing 3 deaths and 1 serious injury to grandparents and grandchildren. The mother held her baby while standing on the third-floor window sill asking for help. There …

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Alone / Go home! Taiwanese businessmen are silent for 3 seconds, speak 4 words and a form exposes the cost of returning to Taiwan | Life | Sanli News Network SETN.COM

[ad_1] Reporter Dai Yuxiang / Taipei Report The Central Epidemic Command Center has tightened quarantine measures for incoming passengers since the 15th. Even so, there are still a large number of Taiwanese businessmen returning home for the New Year. Before boarding the plane at Xiamen Gaoqi International Airport, Mr. Wu, …

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[Exclusiva]Bian’s mother died of illness at the age of 94 and “passed quietly in her sleep” without farewell ceremony | Apple News | Apple Daily

[ad_1] (Recently added: Chen Zhizhong replied, Chen Shuibian issued a statement) Former President Chen Shuibian’s mother, Chen Lishen, passed away on the 15th. The body was taken to Liuying Fuyuan Funeral Home. At first, the staff thought that they had misheard and carefully confirmed their identity before it was confirmed …

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