“Are you kidding about community infections?” Li Yanqiu drowned in the command center: Don’t think you’re a god | Politics | Newtalk

[ad_1] High-level media person Li Yanqiu Image: Li Yanqiu’s news disco Facebook recap A cluster of Wuhan pneumonia infections at a hospital in the north has spread and 4 doctors and nurses have been infected. Earlier, Chen Shizhong, commander of the Epidemic Central Command Center, said the hospital infection “did …

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[Escándalo judicial]Official notebook of death! 40 high-level judicial arrows, 7 judges sent to punish, 6 judges recovered judicial medals | Apple News | Apple Daily

[ad_1] Shi Muqin, the former chairman of the Civil Service Disciplinary Committee (which has been changed to the Disciplinary Court), was indicted by the Supervisory Court on many occasions with the wealthy businessmen involved in the lawsuit, Weng Maozhong, the director of the Jiahe Group, and Qiu Xu. The main …

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Is it difficult to get the money back from the super entrepreneurial lucky bag? Woman spends 199 out of the box and cries, an expert “a trick” to make a blast in seconds | New | NOWnews Today News

[ad_1] Is it difficult to get the money back from the super entrepreneurial lucky bag? Woman spends 199 out of the box and cries, an expert “a trick” to make a blast in seconds | New | NOWnews Today News Editorial Center / General Report 2021-01-18 07:15:23 ▲ Every year …

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“Wuhan Pneumonia” Medical cluster infection expansion hospital: 4 reasons not to shut down the health network without news from the hospital immediately

[ad_1] Some infectious disease doctors urged not to close the hospital, emphasizing that the hospital closure is not good for the current epidemic in Taiwan, and called for increasing the detection rate of hospital staff rather than closing the hospital. The picture shows that the 2003 Beishi Heping Hospital was …

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