Change your luck today! Open Expert of the Good Fortune 8 “Winter Solstice” Method: 2 Chinese Zodiac Should Get More Attention | Life | Sanli News Network SETN.COM

[ad_1] Life Center / Full report At 6:03 pm on the 21st, came the solar term “winter solstice”, commonly known as “winter festival”, “long solstice festival” and “Yasui”. The ancients said, “A yang at the winter solstice” means that the yin qi reaches its peak and declines at the winter …

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Two factors become the key! CNN: Taiwanese submarine “can stop Chinese attacks” for decades | International | Sanli News Network SETN.COM

[ad_1] International Center / Full Report A few days ago, the opening ceremony of China’s “Underwater Manufacturing” was held. President Tsai Ing-wen declared at the event that the world should see Taiwan’s strong will to protect its sovereignty. In this regard, the “Cable News Network” (CNN) of the United States …

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Many people who have been vaccinated against Pfizer are allergic

[ad_1] After the United States began mass vaccination against the new corona vaccine jointly developed by Pfizer and BioNTech of Germany, six people have suffered “severe allergic reactions.” The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced the vaccination policy yesterday (19). It is recommended that people who have severe …

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“Wuhan pneumonia” Case 765, does not recognize symptoms, does not wear a mask and his traces are unknown. Zhuang Renxiang: Different national conditions are difficult to deter | Life |新 头壳 Newtalk

[ad_1] Zhuang Renxiang, command center spokesman Image: Epidemic Central Command Center / Provided The command center held a temporary press conference today (20) to announce an onboard cluster incident. The source of infection was a pilot case from New Zealand765,case765Announced the case of the Taiwanese pilotsFrom 760Colleagues, for the case765Symptoms …

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You can find your way if you want. Mask production line from Taiwan to Czech Republic will start[Exclusivo]| Politics | Key news

[ad_1] (Central News Agency reporter Chen Yunyu, Taipei, 20) Czech Senate President Vitzi, defying the CCP threat, led a delegation to visit Taiwan in late August. To thank Vitzi for supporting Taiwan, an automation equipment manufacturer in Tainan announced a gift of 5 mask production lines before leaving Taiwan. . …

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