Ouyang Nana went to high school to sing “My Motherland” and the legislator named Ouyang Long: Is the Kuomintang affiliated with the CCP? | Politics | Newtalk


Ouyang Nana will sing

Ouyang Nana will sing “My Motherland” at the National Day Gala in China, drawing criticism. Image: Posted again from CCTV Variety Weibo

Taiwanese artists Ouyang Nana and Zhang Shaohan will sing “My Motherland” and other songs with other Hong Kong and Chinese artists at the CCP “11th National Day” gala, which generated heated discussions. Executive Chairman Su Zhenchang, the Mainland Affairs Council and the Ministry of Culture also expressed their views. It emphasizes that violations of the relevant provisions of the cross-strait regulation will be investigated and punished in accordance with the law. In response, DPP legislator Lin Chuyin specifically named Kuomintang spokesperson Ouyang Long, and wondered if the fact that his daughter went to China to sing “My Motherland” means that the Kuomintang is recognized as a CCP-affiliated organization. “Should I cut the ID card, the health insurance card?”

Lin Chuyin posted a Facebook post criticizing Ouyang Nana’s behavior and asked Ouyang Long and her daughter, “Does making Chinese money confuse your country?” She said that Ouyang Long, as KMT spokesperson, her daughter sang “My Motherland” in China. “,” Does this acknowledge that the KMT is an affiliate of the CCP? “

Lin Chuyin said that the Kuomintang sang anti-communism in the past, but now it has disappeared. The party chairman who had repeatedly said he wanted to reform became “on his knees to the CCP,” and even criticized Ouyang Nana. Cut the cartoon? “

In this regard, Su Zhenchang said in an interview on the 27th that he enjoys freedom, democracy and health resources in Taiwan, but is a public figure who goes to China to sing inappropriate songs. The Chinese have their own public comment; the MAC also urges the Chinese not to participate in the relevant events. The activities should not be reduced to a model tool for the CCP’s united front against Taiwan and will be investigated and dealt with in accordance with the law.

The Ministry of Culture stated that, in accordance with the “Regulations on Popular Relations between the Taiwan Region and the Mainland Region”, unless approved by the competent authority, it is not allowed to cooperate with persons, legal entities, organizations or other institutions of the continental region for political purposes. The incident of a Chinese artist traveling to China to sing “My Motherland” will be investigated by the Mainland Affairs Commission.

Taiwanese artists Ouyang Nana and Zhang Shaohan will sing “My Motherland” and other songs with other Chinese and Hong Kong artists at the CCP “11th National Day” gala. Emphasizes that violations of the relevant provisions of the regulations on the other side of the Strait will be investigated and punished in accordance with the law.

In response, DPP legislator Lin Chuyin specifically named Kuomintang spokesperson Ouyang Long, and wondered if the fact that his daughter went to China to sing “My Motherland” means that the Kuomintang is recognized as a CCP-affiliated organization. “Should I cut the ID card, the health insurance card?”

Lin Chuyin criticized Ouyang Long and his daughter Ouyang Nana for

Lin Chuyin criticized Ouyang Long and his daughter Ouyang Nana for “kneeling before the CCP.” Image: Obtained from Lin Chuyin Facebook
