Open the Disciplinary Committee in 3 hours after the phone connection! New Zealand driver fired from Evergreen | Life | SETN.COM


Sanli News / Full report

In the case of another domestic case in China, the case of the EVA Air New Zealand pilot 765 became the target of public criticism. Netizens flooded Evergreen’s Facebook page and demanded that the pilot be fired immediately. After Evergreen checked the outside station monitor, the New Zealand pilot who was connected to the hospital by phone opened a disciplinary committee. It took him around 3 hours to announce his removal, which will take effect today, but Evergreen’s negligence in management will also be punished. Deputy Commander of the Epidemic Center Chen Zongyan said it could be a fine or a class reduction.

▲ New Zealand EVA Air pilot diagnosed with Wuhan pneumonia.

The cabin was completely disinfected. Evergreen showed the details of epidemic prevention to reassure consumers, but the diagnosis was confirmed by a New Zealand pilot, causing epidemic prevention in Taiwan to become turbulent again. Faced with public criticism, Evergreen opened a Disciplinary Committee three days later and the New Zealand driver unanimously ruled the elimination is effective today.

People: “This must be punished, it must be done.”

People: “I think he has no sense of responsibility.”

▲ ▼ Internet users have left messages on EVA Air Facebook.

The public clearly pointed out that EVA Air should be responsible for the pilots. Netizens flooded their Facebook pages. Some people said that “Evergreen will be suspended unless the pilots are fired.” They criticized management for negligence and several angry stickers.

It took Evergreen about 3 hours to access the relevant monitors from other stations and call a pilot from New Zealand to open a disciplinary committee. It was announced that the pilot had violated the Civil Aviation Administration’s principles of epidemic prevention operations and had violated the “Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Act” by obstructing and preventing the epidemic. Severely damaging Evergreen’s image and goodwill, and meeting punitive termination standards, he was determined to be ousted.

▲ EVA Air announced the dismissal of the New Zealand pilot through a telephone connection. (The screen is not the part involved)

Insider Mr. N: “Now all the pilots are very angry, basically all the pilots, except for a very small number of non-compliances, all strictly abide by the regulations, of course it is recommended that the company fire him.”

In fact, from the first time, the pilots union explained that the crew member on duty had advised him to wear a mask, but the pilot did not listen and the crew member of the same flight wrote a report to inform the company that the company still it was infected.

▲ Guard personnel now advised New Zealand pilots to wear masks but was ignored.

Chen Zongyan, deputy commander of the epidemic center, said airlines also have to pay fines, possibly fines or reduced flights. Since the epidemic, 2 pilots and 4 flight attendants have clearly been expelled for registering and taking photos and recording evidence. Now they are expelled from the New Zealand pilots. After all, preventing the epidemic requires the highest standards. (Organized by Yang Xinyi)

See more recent reports on Wuhan Pneumonia (COVID-19, New Coronary Pneumonia):

★ Sanli News Network reminds you:

To prevent Wuhan pneumonia, wash your hands frequently with soap, wear masks when necessary, avoid eating raw meat and eggs, go to crowded places, and avoid contact with poultry and livestock.

If you are unwell, take the initiative to report it. If you suspect symptoms within 14 days, call the Outbreak Prevention Line first, wear a mask, and seek medical treatment as soon as possible. Make sure to inform your doctor about your travel history.

※ Free line for the prevention of epidemics: 1922, 0800-001922
