One more local case! The third daughter of case 881 was diagnosed with 3 people in the Family-Life-China Times


[Transmisión en vivo]Announce the new footprints of confirmed cases? Chen Shizhong held a press conference to explain. (Zhongshi News Network)
Local case association table.  (Provided by the command center)
Local case association table. (Provided by the command center)

The Taoyuan Hospital Ministry is meeting more and more intensively. After yesterday the older patient and the older daughter were infected, today there is another local case, the family of an elderly man (Case 885), a 50-year-old woman, an elderly man His third daughter and the second daughter of the other main caregiver are negative, they are currently in quarantine and will be examined again after the deadline. A total of 13 people were diagnosed at Butao Group. The command center stated that this case cannot be taken lightly until at least February 4.

In September, the old man (Case 881) was bedridden for a long time and was hospitalized in January of this year. On the first day of the nosocomial infection outbreak, he was examined in Room 7B where the resident was (Case 838). The test result was negative. From January 11 to 14, the elderly man was treated for Case 852 and was discharged on the 15th. The nurse who performed the examination the same day (Case 852) collected yin, but went to the clinic to receive medical treatment for physical discomfort. He was diagnosed on the 16th. The old man also became a subject of isolation on the same day. During the isolation period she presented toothache, see a doctor, as fever and pulmonary infiltration were found, the diagnosis was confirmed after examination and the Ct value was 15.

After the elder’s diagnosis, the eldest daughter who was not listed as a contact became a contact. The Ct was 35.6 after examination. It was judged that he had just contracted the epidemic and the amount of the virus had not increased. , and had no symptoms. The old man stayed in bed for a long time and did not come out, while the daughter went out to help buy three meals, and his fingerprint was still under investigation. The elder has two other daughters and three daughters who served as primary caregivers during the elder’s illness, but tested negative on day 11 and the next day after the nurse was diagnosed, and were isolated at home with the elder. .

Commander Chen Shizhong said the old man’s third daughter was diagnosed with the old man and his eldest daughter and was included as a contact for the test. Today, the diagnosis was confirmed. The second daughter tested negative for the third time. They will not be taken again during the isolation period unless symptoms are present. Spokesperson Zhuang Renxiang added that after the second daughter’s quarantine period expires, they will pick her up again.

In this case, 510 contacts were collected in the hospital, 498 negative and 6 positive (cases 852, 856, 863, 868, 869, 881). 134 community contacts have been tested, 127 negative and 6 positive (cases 839, 864, 865, 870, 882, 885). The total number of people in quarantine in the whole case is 967, and the number of accompanying patients in quarantine will increase.

Chen Shizhong said that this case should not be taken lightly until at least February 4, and whether it needs to be extended depends on reconciling the epidemic and the incidence of the disease before informing everyone, urging everyone to wash their hands. hands frequently and hold them. cleansed. It is the best way to protect yourself.

So far, there have been a total of 884 confirmed cases in China, including 776 overseas immigration, 69 local cases, 36 Dunmu fleet, 2 aircraft infections and 1 Belgian engineer; the other Taiwanese businessman from Zhejiang (case 530) was removed as an empty number. Among the confirmed cases, 7 people died, 783 people were released from isolation, and 94 people were hospitalized in isolation.

(Zhongshi News Network)
