Occupational safety accident! Pingzhen parking lot site collapsed, 1 lost, 2 minor injuries – Liberty Times e-newsletter


  1. Occupational safety accident! Pingzhen parking spot collapsed 1 lost 2 minor injuries Free Times Newsletter
  2. Taoyuan Cultural Park Parking Project Collapses 1 Worker Caught in Search Search Chinatimes.com
  3. The Taoyuan site collapse accident continued to search and rescue strengthened security protection at the site udn Lianhe News
  4. The construction site of the parking lot has a loud noise! The worker was buried 14 meters underground and her life and death were uncertain.
  5. News / Taoyuan Pingzhen parking “site collapse”! 3 workers fell and were trapped 2 rescued, 1 worker lost contact ETtoday
  6. Go to Google News to see the full story