Nursing nurse is brain dead … Huang Weizhe’s “big check” condolences will be criticized: is it the award? -ChinaTV News


Nursing Nurse Is Brain Dead ... Condolences From

(Pass to Huang Weizhe’s Facebook)

Full report from Zhang Yuanhong / Tainan City

A serious drunk driving accident occurred in the city of Tainan in the early hours of this month. A 21-year-old nurse was struck by a 20-year-old worker who was driving without a license. There were no signs of life in the place. After 21 days of rescue, the family reluctantly decided to extubate. The mayor of Tainan, Huang Weizhe, took a “super large check” a few days ago to symbolize the payment of the donations, but the family “felt like winning a lottery” and was injured twice. In response, the Tainan City Social Bureau gave the last reply last night.

Condolences for “big checks” to pass: Are you giving

A nurse from the Tainan Annan Hospital surnamed Zhong. On the 1st of this month, a 20-year-old worker who was driving drunk was struck and knocked unconscious while riding a bicycle home. After full hospital rescue efforts, the original condition was stable, but then abruptly returned on the 21st. Declared brain death. Huang Weizhe went to express his condolences on the 16th and said on Facebook: “Please come on! The family encourages you. I bring you the love of citizens and friends, and I hope you will recover soon.”

In one of the photos, Huang Weizhe took a donation of 2.65 million yuan from all walks of life and presented it to the mother of a 21-year-old nurse with a super-large check. It was considered as a place to win prizes. It was criticized “Don’t do it” It’s a show, family members don’t want this sign! “,” Is this the Le award? … dumbfounded! “,” Very speechless, this is not the place for the prize drawing, okay “,” The mayor took this. It’s really a show if you send it with a big blackboard. “

Visiting family members to provoke the Social Bureau to respond

Furthermore, when Councilor Lin Yanzhu visited his family yesterday, he learned that the Social Bureau had not yet allocated 2.65 million yuan in donations. In this regard, the social director of the city of Tainan, Chen Rongzhi, said that due to certain legal procedures for donations and the fact that the nurse was in a coma after a car accident and could not consciously express, if the money it goes directly to the nurse account, you can have other family members use it. Due to the problem, the social workers of the Social Bureau have been discussing intensely with the parents of the case how to solve the problem of remittances. In the end, the family decided to recommend that the mother in the case collect the money. All social workers explained to the family and obtained consent.

As for Huang Weizhe bringing a large check to his condolences, he was criticized for causing a second harm to his family members. Tainan City Social Director Chen Rongzhi said the check to his family members caused controversy. The Office of Social Affairs will consider the feelings of family members in the future and will handle care and condolences with more care. And choose another day to go to condolences.

The Office of Social Affairs stated that the social worker personally sent the designated remittance account number agreement to the parents of the case for them to sign on the 19th (Saturday) of this month, and immediately handled the issue of financing on the 21st in which the bank began to work. As of this afternoon, the love money from all walks of life is 2,657,482 Yuan has been successfully remitted to the account of the mother of the case. The family thanked all parties for their help and asked that no further donations be made. The social worker from the Social Office will continue to attend the case and provide assistance in due course.

News source: China TV News
