[Noticias que todos hablan]Trump’s strange procedure to sign the bill overnight is introduced | Tennessee explosion | Expenses Law | Live newsroom


[La Gran Época 28 de diciembre de 2020]Hello everyone and welcome to the “News Talk” on Monday (December 28).

Monday through Friday at 10 o’clock in the morning EST and 9 o’clock in the evening in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, News Talk will bring you the latest news and the most immediate interpretation.

On Sunday, Trump cited a rather rare procedure and signed the epidemic relief and fiscal 2021 federal budget bill that he vetoed last week. It looked like a concession, but it also made an unexpected breakthrough.

In the Tennessee bombing case, the FBI quickly resolved the case and the suspect’s identity was determined, but there were many oddities in the case.

Variant strains of the Communist Party of China virus have been introduced to many countries around the world, and the interim data analysis report of China’s phase III clinical trial of the vaccine has not been available for a long time. The vaccines have been exported to many countries. Can they be injected with confidence?

[Introducción al extraño procedimiento de Trump firmando el proyecto de ley de gastos de la noche a la mañana]

On the night of the 27th, White House Undersecretary of Press Judd Deere tweeted that President Trump had signed the epidemic relief and 2021 federal budget bill, but requested changes.

The White House also issued a statement from President Trump, stating that: President Trump has informed Congress that wasteful spending will be greatly reduced and, at the same time, the payment of epidemic aid directly to the American people will increase by $ 600 per adult per person. $ 2,000 for adults, plus $ 600 per child;

President Trump said in a statement that on Monday, the House of Representatives and the Senate voted to decide whether to accept increased personal aid; at the same time, Congress will also review Section 230 and terminate it or make substantial amendments to Section 230;

President Trump said this is good news, but we see that this is very different from the general legislative process: the president general signs the bill and the bill is final; if the president vetoes it, he will return to Congress to discuss and vote. This time the president signed it, how could it be reviewed by both houses? Why is this arrangement?

[Trump: Ambas cámaras del Congreso acuerdan centrarse en el fraude electoral]

President Trump said in a statement: The House of Representatives and the Senate agreed to focus heavily on the serious electoral fraud that occurred during the November 3 general election. At the same time, the Senate will vote to launch an investigation into voter fraud.

For now, I have not seen the statements of the leaders of the Senate and House of Representatives. Do you think House and Senate leaders will really agree to focus on voter fraud? If so, how can you move forward? (Is there any real effect?)

Trump said earlier that he would definitely veto the bill, but has signed it now. Some people say Trump relented, and some people say it was his victory. What you think? But can this deal come true and still face great resistance?


¡El presidente Trump recientemente volvió a publicar un video en Twitter cuatro veces seguidas y lo recomendó como “imprescindible”!

Este video se llama “La conspiración para robar Estados Unidos” y fue subido a YouTube por el periodista Seth Hallhouse el 7 de diciembre. La película tiene una duración aproximada de 18 minutos, narra varios fraudes en las elecciones de 2020 y la mayor amenaza que enfrenta Estados Unidos no es el virus, sino el PCCh, que ha invadido el país y las ideas de Estados Unidos.

Este video es similar a la apelación del PCCh. Señala claramente la penetración e influencia del PCCh en varios campos en los Estados Unidos. También plantea una acusación de que el fraude en las elecciones está relacionado con el PCCh. Sin embargo, debido a la duración de la película, la película no No hay una lista detallada de cómo el PCCh manipuló las elecciones estadounidenses. Sin embargo, 4 reposts consecutivos de Trump, que tiene la mayor inteligencia, son extraordinarios. ¿Está liberando algún tipo de información?

[El sospechoso del atentado de Tennessee ha muerto, pero la nube no se ha despejado]

In downtown Nashville, the capital of Tennessee, an explosion occurred in the early morning of Christmas 25. The Federal Bureau of Investigation of the United States (FBI) targeted the investigator, Anthony Warner, a 63-year-old Nashville resident. Authorities announced Sunday that a comparison with Warner’s mother’s DNA confirmed that the human remains found at the scene belonged to Warner, who had died in the blast. The prosecution classified the bombing as a suicide attack.

Warner was an IT industry before his death, an expert in electronics and alarm systems, and had no prior marriage. However, public records show that last year and this year, Warner twice transferred two properties in his name to a 29-year-old woman in Los Angeles at a price of 0 yuan. The woman said she knew nothing about it and did not want to reveal her relationship with Warner, saying she would report the information directly to the FBI.

Warner is the only known person killed in the bombing, but three people were injured in the bombing and more than 40 buildings were affected. Among them, the building of the AT&T communications company was seriously damaged.

Before the blast, a recreational vehicle suspected of being owned by Warner repeatedly played recordings at the scene to warn crowds to evacuate.

However, there are many doubts about this explosion.

[Explosión levanta polvo viejo provocado por la habitación 641A de AT&T]

It is not yet clear what Warner’s motives were. According to various US media reports, the FBI is investigating whether Warner is dissatisfied with the rumors of “the 5G network that monitors American communications.” This also brings the AT&T assisted supervision scandal to the fore again.

Public information shows that AT&T, which was severely damaged by the blast, has operated a large-scale communications monitoring facility for the National Security Agency since 2003, located in room 641A, 611 Folsom Avenue, San Francisco. According to an analyst from the US National Security Agency, there are between 10 and 20 similar rooms across the United States. The news was exposed in 2006.

Is surveillance of US intelligence information a necessary measure to monitor terrorism or is it a violation of the First Amendment to the Constitution? Has this power been abused (Trump accused of wiretapping in the 2016 election)? Furthermore, the CCP also used this to say that “the crows in the world are generally black” and that “the governments of all countries are wiretapping,” trying to rationalize the monitoring and wiretapping of people by the CCP.

[El virus mutado se propaga a nivel mundial y la efectividad de la vacuna en China es controvertida]

Let me be concerned about the news of the CCP virus. The most contagious mutant strains of the CCP virus have now appeared in the UK, South Africa, Canada, Japan, Norway, Sweden, Portugal, and other countries. Among them, Canadian cases of infection have no record of ever having gone abroad, causing people to worry that the mutant strain has spread locally in Canada.

Escalation of the epidemic in Beijing and Dalian, China. In the past half month, 13 new cases have been confirmed in three districts of Beijing, and the source of the infection is unknown. All districts of Beijing have entered a state of emergency.

Dalian also confirmed 5 new cases on the 27th.

In response to the new peak of the epidemic, the United States, Canada and the European Union have launched large-scale vaccination.

According to the Brazilian Institute for Health Research, the Kexing vaccine produced in China is more than 50% effective, however, at Kexing’s request, specific data will be released in another 15 days. The health minister of the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil, said Thursday that the effectiveness of the Coxing vaccine “has not reached 90%”, which is not comparable to the Pfizer and Modena vaccines in the United States.

However, the Turkish government announced on the same day that the initial effective trial rate of the Kexing vaccine in Turkey was 91.25%.

The questions are: 1. How can the efficacy of the same vaccine be different? 2. In addition, the Kexing vaccine and the two vaccines of the China National Pharmaceutical Group have not released the interim data analysis report of the third phase clinical trial. What does this mean? 3. Both British and American companies have published relevant data. Why are Chinese companies lagging behind in this regard?

[De un invitado a una espina en mi ojo, Ma Yun no pudo sobrevivir dando regalos]

Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba has become the latest target of the CCP’s purge. The State Administration of Market Supervision of the Communist Party of China announced on the 24th that it had launched an investigation into Alibaba’s “suspected monopoly”, and the financial management department will meet with Ant Financial in the near future.

A few years ago, Ma Yun was still a guest of Zhongnanhai. He once gave a lecture at a meeting of the Political and Legal Committee of the Communist Party of China, teaching how to use big data to predict so-called crimes; and followed Xi Jinping to attend the Belt and Road summit; In just a few years, Ma Yun has become a thorn in Zhongnanhai. What caused the breakdown of the political-business marriage?

According to a report in the Wall Street Journal on December 20, Ma Yun was interviewed by officials from the China Securities Regulatory Commission and the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission on November 2 this year, stating: Ant can be removed as long as the country needs it. The group originally planned to go public with just a few days to go. Alibaba Group has great influence in the private sector, and is a model for the success of China’s private companies. Many people may not be aware of the political signals generated by the Alibaba crackdown. What you think?

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