[Noticias generales sobre epidemias]Another Head of State Has Been Infected! French President Macron Diagnosed With Wuhan Pneumonia | Apple News | Apple Daily


After Wuhan pneumonia spread from China to the world in December last year, to this day (17), more than 74.27 million people have been infected, of which more than 1.649 million have died. Taiwan has today added 8 more cases, entering Russia (4 cases), the United States (3 cases) and Indonesia (1 case) respectively, a total of 757 cases have been confirmed and 7 of them have died.

According to Reuters, the French Presidential Palace declared today that President Emmanuel Macron tested positive for the new coronavirus.

The total number of deaths in the Czech Republic exceeded 10,000, another 154 cases and a total of 10.36 people died. There were 8,235 new confirmed cases and a total of 602,404 confirmed cases.

There were 96 recently confirmed confirmed cases in Hong Kong, with a total of 7,899 confirmed cases. In addition, the Wuhan pneumonia added another dead soul, and a total of 124 people died. A group called the Hong Kong Chambers of Commerce Joint Conference published a full-page statement in a newspaper for the first time today, criticizing the government for failing to prevent the epidemic and also calling for the implementation of a national virus test.

In addition, more than 800 cases have been diagnosed in Tokyo, Japan, a record in a single day. Due to the spread of the epidemic and the increase in hospitalized patients, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government raised the level of medical alert for the first time to the most serious “urgent medical system”.

Reuters and other media reported that US President-elect Biden and current Vice President Pence will be vaccinated. According to the news, Biden will launch the attack next week as soon as possible, while Pence will be vaccinated on Friday and will be broadcast live on television. In addition, the Secretary of the Interior of the United States, David Bernhardt, tested positive for the virus on the 16th, but showed no symptoms and will continue to work during isolation.

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【Taiwan epidemic】

Taiwan today (12/17) added 8 more confirmed cases of Wuhan pneumonia! They entered the country from Russia (4 cases), the United States (3 cases) and Indonesia (1 case). Among them, 4 cases of Russian nationality were all members of a dance company, 3 women and 1 man. Four members of the Moscow Ballet were infected with the disease yesterday. Last night’s premiere was urgently canceled, and all performances are now canceled.

According to statistics from the command center, so far a total of 117,794 cases of notifications related to novel coronavirus pneumonia have been reported in China (including 115,727 excluded cases), of which 757 cases were confirmed, 665 cases of immigration to the exterior, 55 local cases, 36 cases from the Dunmu fleet and 1 case unknown; the other case (case 530) was dropped as a blank number. Of the confirmed cases, 7 died, 616 were released from isolation, and 134 were hospitalized in isolation.

【China epidemic】

The National Health Commission of China notified on the 17th that in the last 24 hours, 7 new cases were confirmed, all imported (6 in Shanghai and 1 in Guangdong), with no new deaths.

Today there were 96 new confirmed cases in Hong Kong, including 90 local cases and 26 cases of unknown origin. A total of 7,899 cases have been diagnosed. Additionally, Wuhan pneumonia added another dead soul, and a total of 124 people died. The Northern District Hospital announced that an 80-year-old male patient (No. 5725) passed away last night. The patient belongs to a singing and dancing group, and the number of deaths in the group increased to 5.

Two employees at Maxim’s cake factory and an employee at the Times Square branch of the “Sen Ryo” group’s conveyor-belt sushi restaurant confirmed the diagnosis. The “Sen Ryo” branch will be temporarily closed from today until further notice. However, Maxim did not mention the plant closure agreement.

A total of 94,722 people have been diagnosed in China (including Hong Kong and Macao), of which 4,758 have died.

【International epidemic】

Russia has added 28,214 confirmed cases, with a total of 2,762,668 confirmed cases; 587 new deaths and a total of 49,151 deaths.

South Korea reported an epidemic on the 17th, with 1,014 more people infected, representing more than a thousand new cases in 2 consecutive days. Another 22 people died, the most deaths in a single day since the outbreak. South Korea has a total of 46,453 confirmed cases and deaths have risen to 634.

India reported on the 17th day of the epidemic, with 24,010 more infected people and 355 deaths. The total number of confirmed cases in India was 9.95 million, 6557, and the deaths increased to 144,451.

US general anti-epidemic and director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Anthony Fauci, said on the 16th that he hopes the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will be able to approve US pharmaceutical companies. 17 (18th Taiwan time) The Wuhan pneumonia vaccine developed by Moderna. In an interview with CNBC, Fauci said: “Tomorrow, the FDA is expected to make a decision on whether the Modena vaccine can be licensed for emergency use … In the coming days or weeks, there will be more vaccines. Ultimately, we hope combine Pfizer and Modena vaccines, if Modena gets emergency use authorization, I hope they can get them. In this way, there will be 40 million doses of vaccine for 20 million people by the end of December. “

According to statistics from Johns Hopkins University, there were more than 3,700 new deaths in a single day in the United States on the 15th, and another 250,000 people were infected with the epidemic, a record.

The Chinese version of the Wall Street Journal reported that the Brazilian Minister of Health, Eduardo Pazuello, declared on the 16th that the Brazilian federal government hopes to buy the “CoronaVac” vaccine from Sinovac Biotech Ltd. (SVA). As part of the country’s Wufei vaccination plan, the vaccine is expected to be one of the first approved in Brazil. Pazuello said the Brazilian government plans to launch the Wufei vaccination program in February next year, and said the country’s airlines will help deliver the vaccine for free.

Former Swiss President Flavio Cotti is rumored to have died of COVID-19. He lived to the age of 81.

The Brazilian Ministry of Health reported on the 16th that there were 70,574 new confirmed cases and 936 deaths. The accumulated number of confirmed cases exceeded 7 million, reaching 7.04 million 608 cases and 183,735 people died.

The New York Times quoted a source on Wednesday (12/16) as reporting that a medical worker in Alaska developed severe allergies after being vaccinated Tuesday (12/15) with the Wuhan pneumonia vaccine jointly developed by Pfizer and the German biotechnology company BioNTech. He has reacted and has been hospitalized for treatment. As of Wednesday morning local time, medical personnel were still in the hospital for observation. One of the sources said that medical staff have no history of drug allergies, but it is unclear if they have other types of allergies. The reaction of these Alaskan medical personnel is reported to be similar to the allergic reaction of two British National Health Service (NHS) staff who received the Pfizer vaccine last week, and both have recovered.

New York City Health Commissioner Dave Chokshi said on the 16th that there are currently more than 1,600 doctors in the city vaccinated with martial arts, but so far there have been no “serious adverse events.” The side effects that have occurred so far are common symptoms in vaccine research, especially injection site pain, fatigue, and mild muscle pain. These side effects usually last 23 to 48 hours and are considered mild symptoms.

US Health Secretary Assal said on Wednesday that Americans’ confidence in vaccines is “increasing significantly.” Asal cited a poll by the American Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) saying that 80% of Americans plan to get vaccinated. Asal said there is still a lot of work to do to ensure that all Americans understand the value of vaccines. “But it is clear that many Americans are learning that these vaccines are safe and very effective.”

(International Center / Full Report of Foreign Telegraphs)
