[Noticias de que todos hablan]Biden’s big diplomatic setback has spread to the United States | Live room news | Epidemic | Trump


[LaGranÉpoca29deenerode2021]Hello everyone and welcome to the “News Talk” on Friday (January 29). Today’s Focus: America’s version of big money unexpectedly sprayed and completely reversed Trump’s (Trump) policy; Six states warned Biden that if he violates the Constitution, can the court be attacked by the Biden administration? Looking for skin with tigers, Canada has a profound lesson …

Yesterday, Biden signed another executive order, which stipulates the priority points of US foreign policy, and the fate is quite unexpected; The attorneys general from six states jointly sent a letter to Biden saying that if an unconstitutional administrative order is issued, we will prosecute. See, how is the Biden administration going to respond?

Canada’s vaccination schedule is lagging behind, and one of the reasons it is now revealed is that Canada once tried to hunt for skin with tigers. Let’s discuss these issues together today.

one.[Un cambio importante de las prioridades diplomáticas de Biden revierte las políticas de Trump]

During the Trump administration, he ordered that international religious freedom be given priority in U.S. foreign policy and foreign aid. Because freedom of belief is the cornerstone of the United States, and countries that suppress basic human rights, such as religious beliefs, often destroy the international order as well.

And now, the Biden administration has formulated new foreign policy priorities.

On January 28, the US State Department issued a statement announcing that Biden had signed an executive order on the same day that would “prioritize sexual health, reproductive health, and reproductive power” in foreign policy. from USA

The statement said the Biden-He Jinli administration believes that empowering and protecting women and girls, including promoting their sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights, is a fundamental part of US foreign policy and national security. . Thus, Biden ordered the reversal of a 2017 decision by President Trump, when the Trump administration required the federal government not to fund any foreign NGO promoting abortion when implementing foreign aid; now Biden canceled this policy and announced the future that will provide more. AIDS care, family planning services, and other assistance to countries that receive assistance from the United States. The Biden administration claims this will help women realize their potential and promote social and economic development.

The Biden administration must prioritize this content in its foreign policy, claiming that it is related to the national security of the United States.

Xiaoxu, Qin Peng: Why should US taxpayer money be invested in supporting these projects? What do you want to animate?

In recent years, the Trump administration has included international religious freedom as a priority factor in American diplomacy. What effect has it had globally? And what effect will this government’s approach have on the world?

The outside world had predicted before the election that Biden’s team would implement a leftist policy, but the speed and intensity of such advance was still beyond the expectations of some people. why? Additionally, Biden said that to promote America’s unity and healing, why did he prioritize promoting some of the most controversial domestic and foreign policies?

2.[El Fiscal General de los 6 estados envió una carta a Biden por no cumplir con la Corte Constitucional, nos vemos]

After Biden took office, he immediately signed a series of executive orders, including freezing former President Trump’s illegal immigration deportation policies. In this regard, attorneys general from six US states jointly sent a letter to Biden asking him to Comply with the Constitution, otherwise you will see him in court.

According to a report from WHSV in West Virginia, West Virginia Attorney General Morrissey sent a letter to President Biden on the 27th, warning him of any violation of authority, violation of the constitution, or detrimental to public interests and administrative orders. for employment opportunities the people will be subject to local persecution. The letter was signed by the attorneys general of Arkansas, Indiana, Montana, Mississippi and Texas.

How much room does each state have to resist unconstitutional federal executive orders?


Las disputas legales entre el estado y el gobierno federal a menudo se llevan a la Corte Suprema; en la actualidad, seis de los nueve magistrados de la Corte Suprema Federal se consideran conservadores, lo que la izquierda considera un gran obstáculo para la promoción de los gobiernos radicales. políticas.

Según un informe de los medios de comunicación estadounidenses “Politico”, la administración Biden ahora establecerá un comité para reformar el tribunal y el poder judicial federal. Los forasteros cuestionaron que esta podría ser la preparación de la administración Biden para aumentar el número de jueces en la Corte Suprema. .

Este comité estará ubicado bajo la Oficina del Asesor Legal de la Casa Blanca y será coordinado entre bastidores por Bob Ball, un abogado de la campaña de Biden. Politico, una persona familiarizada con el asunto, dijo que se espera que el comité tenga de 9 a 15 miembros, incluido el subsecretario de Justicia adjunto de Obama, Rod Riggs, y el ex presidente de la Asociación de la Constitución de Estados Unidos, Carfred Rickson.

Politico señaló que Rickson apoya la reforma de la Corte Suprema y dijo en una entrevista en 2019: “En la Constitución, no hay ninguna disposición de que la Corte Suprema solo pueda tener nueve personas”.

En octubre del año pasado, Biden dijo a los medios de comunicación que planeaba formar un comité para estudiar y formular cuestiones de reforma judicial, pero dijo en ese momento que este comité no tenía nada que ver con “llenar los tribunales (aumentando el número de tribunales de justicia) jueces) “.

Qin Peng: Roosevelt quería llenar los tribunales, pero fracasó. Cuéntenos sobre el proceso para cambiar el número de magistrados, en la situación actual, ¿tiene la izquierda alguna posibilidad de ganar?

Algunos izquierdistas dicen que aunque no se llenen los tribunales, hay que impulsar reformas de la Corte Suprema y otros tribunales, la pregunta es ¿cómo quieren cambiar? Cual es la direccion ¿Cómo evaluar este enfoque?

4.[Las variantes sudafricanas se introdujeron en los Estados Unidos y las variantes británicas causaron la primera muerte en los Estados Unidos]

Come and listen to the news of the epidemic in America. New Jersey health officials announced Wednesday that a patient in New Jersey had died of a British variant of the Chinese communist virus (Wuhan pneumonia). This is the first case in the United States that has died from a British variant.

That same day, South Carolina state officials announced that for the first time in the United States, two confirmed cases of infection with a variant of the South African virus, which is more contagious, were found in the United States. Furthermore, the information currently available shows that these two cases have no travel history.

Many experts have mentioned that the South African variant is more dangerous than the British variant because the protein structure of the South African variant strain has undergone major changes. Can you explain in a simple way, what does that mean? Are existing vaccines still effective?

5.[La vacunación de Canadá está rezagada y el PCCh ha bloqueado la cooperación en investigación y desarrollo]

With the epidemic escalating, countries are rushing to launch vaccination campaigns, but Canada’s actions are slow. Part of the reason is really related to the CCP.

According to data published by the “Data World Institute” at the University of Cambridge in the UK, the proportion of the vaccinated population in Canada now ranks 20th in the world, behind most of the seven major industrial countries, and also behind medium-sized countries such as Romania.

Part of the reason for the delay in vaccine supply is actually related to the PCC. The Canadian “Globe and Mail” quoted the “Canadian Department of Global Affairs” on January 26 as saying that Canada originally planned to cooperate with the Chinese company Cansino Bio to develop a vaccine, but on May 19, 2020, the Canadian government learned that it was shipped to Canada The candidate vaccines were detained by the General Administration of Customs of the Communist Party of China at Beijing Capital International Airport and could not be transported to Canada for analysis. Canada was forced to announce the cancellation of its cooperation with Cansino in August.

At the peak of the epidemic last year, the CCP weaponized the supply chain of medical supplies against the epidemic and, indeed, vaccines into weapons. But this kind of movement just fueled last year, governments in several countries began to reflect on the excessive concentration of supply chains in China and the damage to its national security. Many governments have introduced policies in the hope of transferring supply chains. key out of China. Wasn’t the CCP counterproductive? So what is the PCC calculation? Will Western countries accept this lesson?

6.[El hombre de Tonghua dijo que tuvo “hambre durante casi 10 días” y fue detenido por las autoridades administrativas]

The epidemic situation on the continent intensified. Jilin Tonghua suddenly announced the closure of the city on January 18. From the 22nd, residents will remain locked in their homes. They will not be allowed to leave. Only staff can come to help solve the problem. This has led to a host of livelihood problems. Medicine flocked to social platforms like Weibo for help.

After the official apologized to citizens, they immediately clamped down on netizens who asked for help. On January 28, the Dongchang branch of the Tonghua Public Security Bureau stated that a local man fabricated false facts such as “I was hungry for almost ten days” and posted them on the Internet, which constituted a dispute and was detained for 10 days.

Some netizens said that the CCP is not preventing the epidemic, it is preventing people.

What did this netizen say? What are the general local facts? How to evaluate the CCP’s actions?


Biden firmó una orden ejecutiva el día 21 para ajustar la política de prevención de epidemias de EE. UU. 11 medidas específicas incluyen:

  1. Si toma un vuelo a los Estados Unidos, debe recibir un certificado de prueba de ácido nucleico negativa y debe ser puesto en cuarentena después de llegar a los Estados Unidos;
  2. Debe usar una máscara cuando tome transporte público, autobuses interestatales o visite atracciones turísticas
  3. Preparándose para distribuir la vacuna a través de la farmacia
  4. Citando la “Ley de Producción de Defensa Nacional” para ampliar la producción de vacunas y otros equipos de protección
  5. Construcción de un centro público de vacunas a través del Centro Federal de Manejo de Emergencias
  6. 100 millones de personas vacunadas en 100 días
  7. Establecer pautas para la reapertura de instituciones educativas como escuelas y centros infantiles.
  8. Fortalecer la recopilación de datos escolares y epidémicos
  9. Promover el derecho a la seguridad de los empleados
  10. Cree nuevas organizaciones para supervisar la detección de virus
  11. Invertir recursos en comunidades con epidemias graves

Además, la administración de Biden está tratando de promover un programa de ayuda epidémica de 1,9 billones de dólares, uno de los enfoques es la producción y distribución de vacunas.

¿Cuáles son las similitudes y diferencias entre esto y la administración Trump? ¿Contendrá significativamente la epidemia?

8. 【¿Nunca perecerás? Las investigaciones indican que el virus se puede transcribir de forma inversa e integrar en el genoma humano]

Since the outbreak of the epidemic, there have been cases in which the infected person has tested positive again after several weeks or months of recovery, and the reason for recovery is unknown in many cases.

In this sense, researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard University and the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research have discovered through in vitro cell experiments that the nucleic acid fragments of the new coronavirus can be integrated into the genome of the infected cell , and then it can replicate continuously to produce a new virus. This document has not yet passed peer review and was posted on the preprint bioRxiv website on December 12, 2020.

Xiaoxu: Can you talk about the findings of this research in plain language? Some people say that this amounts to “a virus that will never die.” That’s right?

In your opinion, how reliable is this research? Does it have any practical significance?

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