[Noticias de que todos hablan]Barr’s Successor Reveals CCP Election Plan | Trump | Biden | Live news


[La Gran Época 15 de diciembre de 2020]Hello everyone and welcome to the “Everyone’s Talking News” on Tuesday (December 15). I am Lin Lan.

Yesterday three important events were intertwined. First, Attorney General Barr resigned abruptly, Vice Minister Jeff Rosen was ordered to become Acting Minister, and his staff used thunderous methods to investigate voter fraud immediately after the election.

Second, the six key states plus the New Mexico Republican Electoral College voted for Trump and Pence yesterday as alternate electoral votes.How does this help Trump’s follow-up actions?

Third, the forensic audit report of 22 Dominion voting machines in Michigan was released yesterday, and the details are staggering.


[El sucesor saliente de Barr advirtió al PCCh que interfiriera con las elecciones]

The shocking news on Monday was that President Trump suddenly announced on Twitter that Attorney General Barr would resign and announced Barr’s resignation letter.

Barr said in his letter that he would resign on Dec. 23, praising Trump’s accomplishments during his tenure and affirming that the Justice Department will continue to heed allegations of voter fraud.

Trump said on Twitter that Barr has done a very good job. Following his resignation, Assistant Attorney General Jeff Rosen will serve as Acting Attorney General.

Did Barr resign actively or passively?

According to previous research by the US media, Barr has a very close relationship with the Wall Street giants. He has served as an executive officer and director of many large American companies, with an estimated net worth of $ 40 million. Objectively speaking, is your extensive Wall Street contacts likely to prevent you from investigating voter fraud?

Trump has been criticizing Barr for inaction before, but he made a good comment to Barr yesterday. What you think?

Vice Minister Jeff Rosen was appointed interim minister when he was in danger. In fact, on the second day after the election (November 4), US media reported that Justice Department officials had notified federal prosecutors that the Justice Department had approved armed federal law enforcement officers to go to vote counting facilities in the United States to investigate any possible fraud. .

Where does this command come from? It was an official in Jeff Rosen’s office. Furthermore, in August this year, Jeff Rosen also said that the CCP has a comprehensive 3C plan to interfere with the US elections, called “pressure, cover-up and corruption.” What is the 3C project and Jeff Lawson’s background? What can you do to investigate voter fraud in less than a month?

[La votación de los electores para las elecciones generales aún no ha terminado]

Yesterday the electoral colleges of all the states of the United States voted. Biden received 306 electoral votes and Trump received 232.

However, on the same day in six major changing states: Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, and Arizona, plus New Mexico, while Democratic voters in these seven states voted for Biden He Jinli, these Republican state electors they voted for Trump and Pence.

Qin Peng, Xiaoxu: Is this an unprecedented action? Under what circumstances will substitute electoral votes influence? In other words, the general election process is not over yet?

[Anuncio de los resultados de la auditoría de dominio de la gran reversión]

Let’s look at the results of Dominion’s Michigan audit.

A Michigan judge opened the nation’s first case earlier this month to allow an independent agency to conduct a forensic audit of some of the state’s Dominion voting machines. So is Dominion that complicated? The response of the audit team was announced yesterday, yes, and deliberate.

The whole story begins with a little person. Shortly after Election Day on November 3 of this year, a common employee in Antrim County, Michigan revealed that Dominion’s local voting machine had transferred 6,000 votes from Trump to Biden. In this small traditional Republican county with a total of only 17,000 votes, such an operation was too flashy. In the end, the vote was returned to Trump and a reason was given for the “manual error.”

But is it human error? Or is Dominion itself complicated and conducting premeditated voter fraud on a large scale?

A common Michigan resident named William Bailey decided to find out the truth. He hired an attorney, Matthew DePino, at his own expense, and took the Antrim County government to court on November 23, requesting an investigation of the accuracy and completeness of the election, especially the Dominion voting system.

The case was rejected by the county court. But William Bailey did not give up and continued to appeal to the circuit court, which turned out to be a turning point. A judge named Kevin Eisenheimer ruled on December 4, allowing William Bailey to inspect 22 Dominion voting machines in County Antrim.

This is the first case in the country. As soon as the verdict was received, the County Antrim patriots immediately organized and surrounded the building where the voting machine was located to prevent someone from moving and destroying the voting machine.

William Bailey commissioned an independent team to collect evidence of these Dominion voting machines for 8 hours on the morning of December 6.

Last week, the results of the forensic audit were finally released. Unexpectedly, the Michigan Attorney General tried to prohibit the release of the audit results on the grounds that it could affect the safety of future use of the voting machines.

Plaintiff William Bailey said this is in the highest national security interests and should and should be announced.

Yesterday morning, Judge Eisenheimer who initially allowed the voting machine to be inspected made another important decision to allow the audit report to be released.

What is important in the report? Is this report a preliminary report? What should the judicial department do next?

Complainant commissioned a team called “United Security Operations Group” to conduct an independent evaluation. What professional experience does this team have? Is trustworthy?

[Súper piratas atacan a Estados Unidos el día de las elecciones]

Huoyan, a well-known American cybersecurity company, said on Sunday (13) that it had discovered a “global intrusion operation”. When pirating widely used SolarWinds software in the United States, the hackers invaded government departments and civil society organizations that used the software. Internet has been contracted, including the US Department of the Treasury, the Department of Commerce, etc. Immediately afterwards, on Monday, it was reported that SolarWinds had been raided.

Some cybersecurity experts say that this can be one of the most serious hacking activities. What is the scope of the attack now? From the perspective of the main target of the attack, what is the hacker’s target? How long have you been lurking? Why did it explode when the elections were stalled?


Se dice que las actuales elecciones estadounidenses han demostrado que la democracia no puede eliminar el fraude electoral o prevenir la contracción de la clase media, y la contracción de la clase media ha eliminado la fuerza que controla y equilibra la política bipartidista hasta los extremos, y que la “política de consenso” democrática no lo es. Además, se ha convertido en una política de veto mutuo. En resumen, usted no quiere tener éxito, pero desea absolutamente que su oponente falle. Si su oponente falla, usted se quedará quieto y ganará. Esto hace que la gobernabilidad sea muy ineficiente y también es difícil promover reformas políticas que beneficien al público en general. En este caso, ¿por qué otros países y regiones, como Hong Kong, todavía se apresuran hacia la democracia estadounidense?

Esta elección reveló que no faltan políticos corruptos y política sucia en los países democráticos. En los Estados Unidos, ¿tiene alguna idea real que decepcione a este país? Otros dijeron: “Exponer las deficiencias de Estados Unidos de esta manera hará que la gente pierda la confianza en la democracia. ¿Por qué haces esto?” ¿Cómo respondes?

[Base de datos de miembros del Partido Comunista Chino filtrada e infiltrada en Australia]

After the list of 1.95 million Chinese Communist Party militants who infiltrated many areas of the world was leaked, according to a report by The Australian on December 15, some sources with knowledge of the situation said the Agency Australian Security Intelligence has begun gathering intelligence and investigating the CCP through its control. The Shanghai Foreign Agency Service Office infiltrated the internal history of the diplomatic mission.

Jennings, director of the Australian Institute for Strategic Policy (ASPI), criticized the Australian government for failing to identify the phenomenon that employees are members of the Communist Party of China, which is a “fundamental mistake” and also puts the consulate at risk.

[¿Intervención extranjera? Grupos pro comunistas involucrados en la publicación de información engañosa]

A Chinese Ms. Wu (June Wu), who rushed from Boston to Washington DC to participate in a rally in support of Trump, provided The Epoch Times with a copy of Boston’s “China Association IEPAC” to promote the elections. Americans.

The Epoch Times reporter found this brochure to be fraudulent in many aspects of Trump’s policies, and the “China Association for Elections IEPAC” is a sister group of the “Chinese Progressive Association” with a CCP background.

There are many fakes in your brochure. For example, the English portion of Trump’s policy on Chinese Communist Virus (Wuhan Pneumonia) policy reads: Support Vaccine Development, but the corresponding Chinese translation is: Oppose Vaccine Development.

The brochure noted that income growth for the working class and small businesses was the lowest in five years. However, data released by the US Census Bureau over the past five years shows that the median household income of non-elderly people has increased year over year.

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