Not just escorting Lai pigs, did Luo Zhiqiang and Wu Siyao say that he was the emperor? -Politics-China Times News


Taipei City Councilor Luo Zhiqiang appointed 12 members of the DPP lawmakers and called for the removal of Wu Siyao. Wu Siyao replied that he was a “political idiot” and would only “continue politically” every day. Although a lawyer suggested that Luo Zhiqiang sue, however, Luo Zhiqiang said that he “doesn’t bother to worry about her,” and openly broke the news that Wu Siyao not only escorted Laizhu, but also spoke about medical materials and even he handed over responsibility to the assistant.

“Do you think Wu Siyao is just busy escorting the pigs?” Luo Zhiqiang noted on Facebook today (27) that the media reported that NTU doctor Shi Jingzhong kicked in a medical test case. He was also a test person, but because he felt it was not suitable for the price. It is also more than 10 times that of foreign countries. After a discussion by experts at the hospital, it was decided not to adopt it. Unexpectedly, the manufacturer approached Wu Siyao to pressure the doctor in mourning to respond to the official document within 2 days.

Luo Zhiqiang criticized: “Really arrogant enough, does Wu Siyao believe that she is the emperor?” Although Wu Siyao explained that it was an assistant who conveyed the people’s requests, Luo Zhiqiang said, “It’s okay to pressure the pigs. If there is something to pressure the assistant, it’s really good to take responsibility. Don’t tell me He said the document The official came out under the name Wu Siyao, but Wu Siyao has never read it. “” The citizens of Taipei chose Wu Siyao to be their legislator. Didn’t you ask him to escort Laizhu and tell him that medical supplies are good?

Luo Zhiqiang appointed 12 legislators from the Tinglai Pig DPP and appealed to remove Wu Siyao.  (Photo / Excerpt from Luo Zhiqiang's Facebook)
Luo Zhiqiang appointed 12 lawmakers from the Tinglai Pig Democratic Progressive Party and appealed for Wu Siyao to be removed from office. (Photo / Excerpt from Luo Zhiqiang’s Facebook)

Also, regarding the Laizhu issue, Luo Zhiqiang said that it was not that he wanted to depose Wu Siyao, but that his behavior betrayed the trust of food security in Taipei City. “It was Wu Siyao who fired herself,” and used the infamous term idiot to attack. Others cannot transfer the fact of escorting Laizhu. As long as one of Laizhu’s legislators can be removed, not to mention that 60 articles are published to remind them that they must be withdrawn, even 600,000 articles will be published. “Because that is not the will of Luo Zhiqiang alone. It is the will of the anti pig people. -Lei in Taiwan “.

Siyao Wu shared the latest progress in the harassment by political idiots on Facebook yesterday. When Luo Zhiqiang invited her to speak in the streets, he replied, “Oh, I don’t want you to ask me,” because if he is a councilor or a legislator, the people’s representative asked about politics. The place is in the conference room, and regardless of whether there is a spotlight, whether it is a hot topic or not, no matter how unpopular the policy topics are, they will work hard to professionally monitor and question politics.

Faced with the question of escorting Laizhu, until now, Wu Siyao can only use the “idiots” and “followers” who have been involved in personal attacks to slap Luo Zhiqiang. When the focus was changed, a lawyer suggested that I complained that I was too lazy to care about myself. Wu Siyao is not Luo Zhiqiang who wants to dismiss you, but you escort Laizhu yourself, betraying the food security of Taipei City, but it is Wu Siyao himself …

Posted by Zhiqiang Luo on Saturday, Dec 26, 2020

(Zhongshi News Network)
