No More Silence! Trump-Pressed Election Scandal Exposed Biden Finally Speaking Out-International-China Times


To reverse the key state of George Asian’s election results, US President Trump personally called Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (Brad Raffensperger) many times, asking him to “find out” 11,780 votes to reverse the election. local, but related After the recording file was exposed by the American media, it shocked the country. However, after only sending Congress to certify the Electoral College voting results, Biden, the Democrat who became the new president of the United States, finally voiced his stance, saying that Trump would only grumble and complain, Not knowing why he still loves the White House, he doesn’t want to work.íritu

Faced with pressure from Trump on Georgia’s secretary of state for an exposed election change scandal, US President-elect Biden said Trump would only whine and complain about why he still wants to love the White House.

According to reports from “Daily Mail” and Associated Press, Biden went to Atlanta, Georgia on the 4th to campaign for the second round of local senatorial elections to decide who will hold power in the Senate. “The president spends more time in office. Complaints and complaints, rather than fixing the problem, I don’t know why Trump still wants this job. He doesn’t want to work.”

Additionally, Biden also used this to criticize the Trump administration in response to the issue of vaccines in the United States and whether the subsidy will be increased to $ 2,000. Biden said the current rate of vaccine delivery in the United States is disgraceful. He stressed that he has already said that vaccinating the American people will be one of the unprecedented challenges in America. The United States has spent months learning about the new coronavirus, but Trump’s government has gotten off to a very bad start with vaccination, however: Compared to the original target of 20 million vaccinated people, only one-tenth was completed. at the end of December last year.

Additionally, Biden also told Georgia voters that if two Democrats, Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff, successfully challenge the senator, he promised that the new $ 2,000 crown grant would be awarded to each voter not only helping the people who have suffered the epidemic, but also makes them live in a more dignified and dignified way.

The two-seat US senator from Georgia’s runoff came out on the 5th. The result not only determines who controls the Senate, but also affects whether the Democratic Party can fully govern in the future. When the Republican Party has won half of the 50 seats, the Democrats who only won 48 seats must take the 2 seats, plus Vice President Kamala Harris cast a key vote to control the Senate.

(Zhongshi News Network)
