News / Xinbei seized “Qinda” masks from Malaysian factory where they were manufactured without authorization to be manufactured in China-ETtoday News Cloud


  1. News / Xinbei confiscated “Qinda” masks, unauthorized alteration of origin of Malaysian factory in mainland manufacturing ETtoday News Cloud
  2. Xinbei Qinda introduces traditional Chinese characters and English pseudo-Malaysian UDN production for land-based masks United News Network
  3. Another weekly magazine with mixed-fill Chinese-made masks exploded on Qinda’s low-price order, and the products were uneven. Free Times e-newsletter
  4. The mask of the problem blows again! Quanta Xiang Shaodong’s “Fake Malaysian Made in the Land” Products Take Over the Market at Low Prices ETtoday News Cloud
  5. Qinda masks imported from China discovered, the New Taipei Health Bureau issued a document that was urgently removed from the Taiwan Apple Daily shelves
  6. Go to Google News to see the full report