News / Taobao Taiwan to cease operations at the end of the year and close the platform’s ordering function from 11 o’clock | Life | Sanli News Network SETN.COM


Reporter Li Hongdian / Taipei Report

It’s really going to break! Taobao Taiwan issued a statement this morning (15) indicating that it will formally stop Cread’s operations in Taiwan at 11:59 p.m. on December 31 this year. From 11:00 am, the functions of placing orders on the platform, entering sellers and listing products were also closed.

▲ Taobao Taiwan issued a statement this morning (15) stating that it will formally stop Cread’s operations in Taiwan at 11:59 p.m. on December 31 this year.

The following is the full text of Creed Taiwan’s statement (Taobao Taiwan):

Since Kelada began its service in Taiwan in 108 years, it has been supported by consumers, established sellers and partners, and has continued to actively communicate and explore new development possibilities. However, after careful evaluation by the company, the market environment still exists under consideration. There are many uncertain factors, and the painful resolution will formally stop Cread’s operations in Taiwan at 11:59 p.m. on December 31 of this year.

The Taobao Taiwan platform operated by Kelida has closed functions such as placing orders on the platform, entering sellers and listing products as of 11:00 am today (15), and fully helps sellers to fulfill the established transaction orders as soon as possible to guarantee consumption simultaneously. The rights of the seller and the seller.

We deeply understand that this difficult decision will bring disappointment to all consumers, vendors, alliance partners and company colleagues who support us. Kreida wishes to express our sincerest apologies. We will do our best to properly handle all subsequent matters. Protect everyone’s rights.

In the end, Kleida Company sincerely thanks many partners from all walks of life in Taiwan for their support and encouragement during this period of time, allowing us to continue to feel the kindness and warmth of all parties in the challenging operating environment. . Thank you. .

Taobao Taiwan Employees Agree To Waive Compensation Plan

Since its launch last year, Kelada has always regarded employees as its most valuable operating asset, and has also attached great importance to developing and cultivating all talents. Therefore, even at this time Creed faces the most painful decision, the rights and care of employees remains one of the most important aspects of the company.

In order to thank all employees for their support and contribution along the way, Kelada has planned a suitable and agreed severance plan, and will negotiate with employees one by one to reach consensus and give the employees a generous severance pay that exceeds the statutory severance pay. Kleida hopes that through a consensual resignation compensation plan, the rights and interests of employees can be protected and employees can stably maintain their family livelihoods during the subsequent period of job search.

In addition, Kelada will also properly organize employee follow-up job assistance and provide consultation on resume health checks and resume references, and cooperate with many well-known professional human resource consulting firms to share appropriate related job openings.

Kreida once again expresses his deepest apologies to all employees and thanks all employees for their support and encouragement along the way.
