News “Gu Quan the general situation! Yan Shengguan announced his withdrawal from the election of the DPP chairman of the Taipei City Party Committee | Politics | 新 头壳 Newtalk


Former Democratic Progressive Party Taipei City Councilor Yan Shengguan today announced the withdrawal of registration for the election of the chairman of the Taipei City Department of the Democratic Progressive Party.  Image: Zhou Xuanhui / Photography (data photo)

Former Democratic Progressive Party Taipei City Councilor Yan Shengguan today announced the withdrawal of registration for the election of the chairman of the Taipei City Department of the Democratic Progressive Party. Image: Zhou Xuanhui / Photography (data photo)

The election of the chairman of the DPP Taipei City Party Committee will close at 5pm today (8). Wu Yinong, deputy executive director of the New Realm Education and Culture Foundation, signed up yesterday and attracted a great deal of media attention. Taipei City Councilor Yan Shengguan suddenly issued a statement announcing that, for the sake of party unity and harmony and the overall situation, “he decided to withdraw the registration for the election of the DPP chairman in the city. of Taipei “and is willing to provide the opportunity to young people who are willing to attend. bear. If at the end of the registration this afternoon, no one has registered, it will be the same choice.

Yan Shengguan said that after a whole night of thinking, for the sake of party unity and harmony, taking into account the general situation and avoiding future disputes, he decided to withdraw the registration for the election of the chairman of the DPP of the Party Committee. of the City of Taipei.

Yan Shengguan said that I originally signed up to run for the chairmanship of the city party committee. It was simply because there was no one to stand for election. The purpose was also to resolve the stalemate caused by the lack of the party committee chairmanship in Taipei. I hope to use all my qualifications and experience to The DPP Taipei City Party Headquarters found a new direction.

Yan Shengguan emphasized that we were once passionate youths, and we inherited the rods of our predecessors and we inherited the incense of democracy. But at present, there are already prominent young men who are willing to take over as chairman of the Taipei City Party Committee. “I am willing to let young people with the intention to bear the heavy burden and give the opportunity to young people with the intention.”

Yan Shengguan noted that in order to put an end to the harassment of the Taipei City Party Committee Chairman as soon as possible and allow the voting machine to locate him sooner, “I decided to unregister the Taipei City Party Chairman.” During this period of visits by members of the grassroots party, many party members approached her directly and gave her encouragement and suggestions, and took them into account.

Yan Shengguan said that for the elders and good friends who supported and encouraged her all the way, in addition to expressing the deepest apologies, they are most grateful, thank you all for making her not alone. “I hope that my friend who appreciates me can appreciate my decision and thank him for his enthusiasm for constantly pushing me forward.”

Yan Shengguan also said that in view of the lessons learned from the past year, he sincerely hopes that all the supporters will not provoke all kinds of negative speculation and mutual attacks for his withdrawal of registration, which will lead to more tears, which he does not want to see. Hopefully, everyone can find the direction and goal to keep working hard together and working hard for DPP, Taipei City, and Taiwan. Finally, I also hope that everyone can vote enthusiastically on Voting Day January 31st.

Former Taipei City Councilor Yan Shengguan suddenly issued a statement announcing that, in the interests of party unity and harmony and the overall situation, “he decided to withdraw the registration for the election of the DPP chairman of Taipei City Party Headquarters “and is willing to provide the opportunity for young people who are interested. Put up with. If at the end of the registration this afternoon, no one has registered, it will be the same choice.
