News / Boom 8 appears the third youngest diagnosed person in China abroad | Life | Sanli News Network SETN.COM


Reporter Xu Shuling / Taipei Report

The Central Epidemic Command Center announced today (12) that there are 8 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 imported into China, which entered Indonesia (4 cases), the United States (3 cases) and the United Kingdom (1 case).

▲ The Epidemic Central Command Center announced today (12) that there are 8 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 imported into China, entering Indonesia (4 cases), the United States (3 cases) and the United Kingdom (1 case). (Photo / provided by the command center)

According to the command center, Cases 727, 730 and 732 are all Indonesian migrant workers, aged 20-30, who arrived in Taiwan for work on November 27, 2020. Case 727 remains before shipment. The negative report of the serum antibody test within 3 days, and the other two people have a negative report of the nucleic acid test within 3 days before shipment. Three people were tested for “Project 1127 Indonesia” on November 28, and all results were negative. They were tested before the quarantine period expired on December 10, and were diagnosed today (Ct value 34 ~ 35.6). Since all three people are asymptomatic so far and have not had any contact with each other during the quarantine period, it is not necessary to list the contacts.

Case 728 is a woman in her 40s. He went to work in the UK in July this year and returned to China with two family members on November 27. During the case’s home quarantine, he developed general fatigue, muscle and joint pain, dizziness, and other symptoms on December 4. She had a fever on December 6 and was treated by the health unit for a medical examination. The test result was negative. Because her symptoms did not improve, she went for a medical examination again on December 9 and was admitted to the hospital. Today the diagnosis was confirmed; 2 relatives who returned home with the currently asymptomatic case, cataloged as contacts in home isolation.

Case 729 is a woman in her 20s. He went to study in the United States in August (2019). He took a flight from the United States on November 30 this year and returned to his residence for home quarantine after entering Taiwan on December 2. The case showed symptoms of a sore throat on December 5 but did not report it. Since December 8, nasal congestion, runny nose, and abnormal smell and taste symptoms have appeared successively. After the notification to the health unit on December 9, the medical treatment was coordinated and today the diagnosis was confirmed. Because the case was quarantined in a one-person suite at home and did not come into contact with other family members living with the case, all three family members living with the case were assigned an independent health management.

Case 731 is an Indonesian businesswoman in her 20s. He arrived in Taiwan on November 25 this year with 5 companions. Had a negative nucleic acid test report in the 3 days prior to shipment. So far he has no symptoms. After the expiration of the quarantine period on December 10, the case went to the hospital to be examined on its own and was diagnosed today (Ct value 34). Once the quarantine period had expired, the 5 companions of the case had all negative results and were listed in home isolation.

Cases 733 and 734 are relatives, a woman in her 30s and a child under the age of 5, who have lived in the United States for a long time (the last time they left Taiwan in March 2019), and returned to Taiwan on December 6 of this year. Have a negative nucleic acid test report within 3 days prior to shipment and proceed to the residence for quarantine after entry. Case 733 began to present sneezing, itchy throat and abnormal smell as of December 9. On December 11, the health unit ordered 2 people to seek a medical examination. Case 734 developed a fever during medical treatment and both were diagnosed today. During the quarantine period of the case, two community managers had brief contact with the case in garbage collection and package delivery, however, due to the short contact time and the use of masks, they were under independent health management.

According to statistics from the command center, 114,742 cases of notifications related to novel coronavirus pneumonia have been registered so far in China (including 112,239 excluded cases), of which 733 cases were confirmed, 641 cases of immigration abroad, 55 local cases, 36 cases from the Dunmu fleet and 1 unknown case; One case (case 530) removed the empty number. Among the confirmed cases, 7 people died, 601 people were released from isolation, and 125 people were hospitalized in isolation.
