New Zealand pilots make a breakthrough in epidemic prevention! Lin Jialong Instructions 5: Repeat Limited Flights | Life | New Newtalk head shell


Lin Jialong yesterday issued five important instructions for the aviation industry to avoid epidemics, calling airlines harshly, saying the most serious recurrence would restrict flights.  (Data photo) Image: Zhang Liangyi / Photo

Lin Jialong yesterday issued five important instructions for the aviation industry to avoid epidemics, calling airlines harshly, saying the most serious recurrence would restrict flights. (Data photo) Image: Zhang Liangyi / Photo

Yesterday (22), the first case of local infection occurred in Taiwan in 253 days. She was an employee of the Quanta Group, and was infected by the 765 EVA New Zealand pilot. The pilot did not cooperate with the isolation and did not wear a mask. Wow, that seems like a huge gap in epidemic prevention, sparking public ire. Transport Minister Lin Jialong called a meeting yesterday afternoon and presented five important instructions: If the airline again has “oversight negligence,” it will not rule out administrative sanctions such as restricting flights.

Lin Jialong called an epidemic prevention and response meeting at the Ministry of Communications yesterday afternoon and gave a five-point instruction. First, the Civil Aviation Administration fully cooperates with the Epidemic Central Command Center and helps it to impose sanctions on aviation industry employees who fail to implement home quarantine and independent health management in accordance with the epidemic prevention regulations.

In addition, the Civil Aviation Administration should require airlines to strictly implement the “Operating Principles for National Airlines to Implement Improved Crew Health Control Measures” approved by the command center. If there are regulatory gaps, liability will be pursued. With the exception of the sanctions provided for in the Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Law, if the circumstances are serious, administrative sanctions such as the restriction of flights will not be ruled out for companies that have not implemented epidemic prevention regulations.

The third point is that in view of the expansion of the international epidemic, all units dependent on the Ministry of Transport require public transport to implement the fall and winter projects announced by the command center. In addition to wearing masks and taking body temperature, the relevant units are also asked to coordinate with each station to provide rubbing alcohol and other devices, and to do their best to increase the frequency of cleaning counters, seats, restrooms and compartments. of the stations.

Fourth, for large-scale events organized by the Ministry of Communications and its affiliates (including the welcoming sunrise on New Years Day, the Taiwan Lantern Festival), the organizer must coordinate the co-organizers, companies and the relevant co-organizers, in accordance with the professional guidelines of the Epidemic Central Command Center, and the initial discussion Various epidemic prevention measures, including total volume control.

Finally, the Tourist Office should strengthen the requirements for travel agencies to provide subsidies for winter group travel, the Spring Festival evacuation project and filial piety and group travel in general, and implement the relevant regulations on prevention travel. of epidemics during transport, accommodation and group itineraries.

Lin Jialong also instructed Wang Guocai, the Minister of Government Affairs of the Ministry of Communications, to convene a meeting today (23) to confirm the prevention and implementation status of various units.

Yesterday (22), the first case of local infection in Taiwan in 253 days occurred in a Quanta Group employee

And she was infected by EVA’s New Zealand 765 pilot. The pilot did not cooperate with the quarantine and walked without wearing a mask, which appeared to be a major gap in the prevention of epidemics.

Transport Minister Lin Jialong called a meeting yesterday afternoon and presented five important instructions: If the airline again has “oversight negligence,” it will not rule out administrative sanctions such as limited flights.
