New Zealand pilot suspected of hiding heavy bombardment of “scum” from Li Zhenghao: can you ask him to leave? | Life | NOWnews Today News


New Zealand pilot suspected of hiding heavy bombardment of “scum” from Li Zhenghao: can you ask him to leave? | Life | NOWnews Today News

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New Zealand pilot suspects Li Zhenghao is undercover and heavy barrage of “scum” – can you ask him to go?

Editorial Center / General Report

2020-12-22 15:19:23

▲ Chen Shizhong, Commander of the Epidemic Epidemic Central Command Center, held a routine briefing on the epidemic this afternoon (28).  (Photo by reporter Liu Yawen)
▲ The outbreak of local cases in Taiwan again, the Epidemic Central Command Center announced that it will review the crew’s epidemic prevention measures and enforce strict regulations. (Photo / Photo of reporter Liu Yawen, profile picture)

The Epidemic Central Command Center announced today (22) a new domestic case in China, a contact of 765 New Zealand pilots. Since Case 765 came out during the independent health management period, and did not actively cooperate with the epidemic after infection, and did not disclose its contact with the local case Case 771, nor did the law enforcement agency take the initiative to investigate and found that the two had “close contacts.” The diagnosis is confirmed after the inspection is arranged. In response to this, political commentator Li Zhenghao criticized the New Zealand pilot, saying: “He’s really scum, can you ask him to leave?”

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Regarding the case of clustering caused by pilots, Chen Shizhong pointed out that Case 765 did not honestly report the history of activities and contacts during the investigation of the epidemic, and that it violated the “Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Law” and may be fined 60,000 to 300,000 yuan. Sanctions for the pilot and general management measures for pilots may be more stringent. Li Zhenghao also commented on the matter on his personal Facebook for the first time, saying bluntly that “he really means bad language. Taiwan has protected 253 days of non-local cases due to this kind of scum.” Li Zhenghao emphasized: “It is not bad to catch the epidemic, but actually it is scum after hiding its tracks and not cooperating with the epidemic. Taiwan has no obligation to take care of this kind of scum. Can you ask it to leave ? ” I specifically request a fine of 300,000 New Zealand pilots pursuant to section 43 of the Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Act. “

▲ The full text of Li Zhenghao's post.  (Image / Obtained from Facebook of Li Zhenghao)
▲ The full text of Li Zhenghao’s post. (Image / Obtained from Li Zhenghao’s Facebook)

Netizens also left messages below, saying: “Now that the 300,000 fine for the pilot is well received,” “The airlines should be jointly and severally liable, otherwise all crew members should be quarantined for 14 days + 7 days self-management “,” Yes. Understand why strange viruses cannot be controlled effectively because foreigners are not easy to control “,” I have not been in contact with them yet and suddenly I remember where I have been after be dismantled. ” (Publisher: Ni Haoxuan)

※ 【NOWnews Today News】 reminds you:
In response to the new corona pneumonia epidemic, the Department of Disease Control has continued to strengthen surveillance of the epidemic and border control measures. If you have a fever, cough and other symptoms after entering the country, call “1922“Dedicated line, or”0800-001922And wear a mask as instructed to see a doctor as soon as possible while actively informing the doctor about travel history and contact history to facilitate timely diagnosis and notification.

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