New Year’s Eve activities, Wenzhe Ke wins the championship, net approval: Use ten thousand people to continue political life | Politics |新 头壳 Newtalk


The Facebook fan special

Today’s Facebook fan special “Voice Volume Sees Politics” (1st) uses New Year’s-related keywords to analyze the volume of voice of political figures through the news volume system. Photo: Obtained from “Politics in Volume” from Facebook fans

In response to the serious situation of the current epidemic, the New Year’s Eve activities scheduled for yesterday (31) in many places in Taiwan have also been adjusted. Today’s Facebook fan special “Voice Volume Sees Politics” (1st) uses New Year’s-related keywords to analyze the volume of voice of political figures through the news volume system. Regarding the mayor of Taipei, Ke Wenzhe, who won first place with 65.99% of the voice volume, the fan group criticized: “Using tens of thousands of health risks to continue his political life by himself “.

“Voice to see politics” posted a post on Facebook today, stating that they used 7 news keywords, including New Years Eve, New Years Eve Events, New Years Eve Concerts, New Years Eve Gala, Evening Parties, Live Online Broadcasts, and Event Suspension , to rank 30. After the news volume on the 31st and two days, it was found that among the relevant political figures, Ke Wenzhe had the highest volume, but also the most controversial. The result of the harsh reception of the New Year’s Eve party by the Ke city government was the worst in 20 years: only about 38,000 people attended the party.

The publication noted that Ke Wenzhe received the highest volume of news, about 65.99%; followed by Chen Shizhong, about 14.15%; third was Chen Chi-Mai, about 4.88%; fourth was Pan Meng’an, around 4.79%; fifth Hou Youyi, about 3.88%; number 6 is Lu Xiuyan, about 3.48%; number 7 is Huang Shanshan, with only 2.54%; number 8, Zheng Wencan, with 0.29%.

Regarding the high volume of voice that Ke Wenzhe obtained, Facebook fan “Voice Volume Sees Politics” specifically believes that Ke Wenzhe hopes to use the success of this New Year’s Eve wave to create his own personal political voice. If it goes well and there is no follow-up community infection effect, Ke Wenzhe can claim his success to the outside world. If it fails, then the problem can be returned to Chen Shizhong. Deliberately pointed out that Chen Shizhong’s ineffective border control and did not provide uniform standards. Therefore, the fan criticized Ke Wenzhe: “Using the health risks of tens of thousands of people to extend his personal political life.”

At the same time, the post also mentioned that Chen Shizhong has become the target of Ke Wenzhe’s (who claimed to have been notified by phone) shirking responsibility and has become the second-most important politician on whether to continue the activities of New Years Eve.

Regarding Chen Qimai, No. 3, and Pan Meng’an, No. 4, “The volume of the voice looks at politics” noted that Chen Qimai intended to expand New Year’s Eve activities, but made a clear decision on the 30th to avoid becoming a gap in the controversy; and Pan Meng’an, Due to the postponement of the word, netizens discussed it and the volume of the voice was slightly negative.

As for the mayor of Tainan, Huang Weizhe, who was not on the list, the fan said it was a shame, because Huang Weizhe was the first political figure to announce that the New Years Eve party was changed to a politician online, but the Later discussions were snatched up by Ke Wenzhe. But despite this, encouragement is still needed.

In response to the serious situation of the current epidemic, the New Year’s Eve activities scheduled for yesterday (31) in many places in Taiwan have also been adjusted.

Today’s Facebook fan special “Voice Volume Sees Politics” (1st) uses keywords related to New Year’s Eve to analyze the voice volume of political figures through the news volume system.

Regarding the mayor of Taipei, Ke Wenzhe, who won first place with 65.99% of the voice volume, the fan group criticized: “Using tens of thousands of health risks to continue his political life by himself “.

The Facebook fan special

Today’s Facebook fan special “Voice Volume Sees Politics” (1st) uses New Year’s-related keywords to analyze the volume of voice of political figures through the news volume system. Photo: Obtained from “Politics in Volume” from Facebook fans
