New “Toyo” crown vaccine authorized to become blue member, Huang Jianhao, long article exposes the internal history-Politics-Zhongshi


Toyo Pharmaceuticals announced at 6pm last night, announcing the termination of the agency’s negotiation authorization for the new corona pneumonia vaccine. The KMT Geshi Institute and Taichung City Councilor Huang Jianhao posted a lengthy post on Facebook early this morning. Politics and the stock market broke out and raised a lot of questions. Pointing out this important news, there is definitely a lot of inside information. He called on the FSC and do the prosecutors dare to investigate?

Huang Jianhao said that a publicly traded pharmaceutical company under the chairmanship of Lin Quan, the former chief executive, had previously announced that it had obtained authorization for the vaccine. In addition to an increase in share prices, the government was also preparing to buy vaccines from the pharmaceutical company. Without the original authorization letter, it was announced today that it would not be discussed and all walks of life were dumbfounded.

Of course, the most stunned should be the group of retail investors who have not had time to escape. After seeing the current market, foreign investors ran faster and sold more. And if this matter is not handled properly, the Taiwanese will be the poorest, we fear that we will leave the country where vaccines are the first priority for the poor behind.

Huang Jianhao said that on a “political” level, this news made everyone pay attention to Toyo Chairman Lin Quan. Lin Quan was the first CEO of Tsai Ing-wen when he was the first president. After leaving the CEO, he took over as Chairman of Toyo Pharmaceuticals in six months. At that time, some people questioned the issue of the revolving door clause, referring to the Law on the Service of Public Officials: “Public officials may not serve as directors, supervisors, managers or executives of for-profit companies directly related to with their positions within the five years prior to their resignation within three years of their resignation. Company shareholders or consultants. “There are other hiring and lobbying laws, all with related regulations and penalties. Lin Quan responded at the time,” Toyo Pharmaceuticals has nothing to do with the CEO’s business. “

Huang Jianhao said he was unaware that Taiwan’s pharmaceutical industry-related business had nothing to do with what the chairman of the Executive Yuan could manage. It turned out to be the biotech industry that President Tsai Ing-wen said when she ran for the 2016 presidential election and actually promoted it. ) In the opening speech, he once again emphasized support for the biotech industry. Not to mention the current government, if all goes well, it is also preparing to buy vaccines from Toyo Pharmaceuticals.

But former Chairman Lin said these have nothing to do with his business as CEO. This may mean that if the Taiwanese government buys vaccines from any pharmaceutical factory, it has nothing to do with the president or the president. Everything happens naturally!

Huang Jianhao also pointed out that in terms of the “bag”, after the 12/10 close, Toyo announced that he had obtained a conditional authorization letter for the new crown pneumonia vaccine from the German pharmaceutical company BNT. The price rose a bit on the 12th, and the daily limit was reached for two consecutive days after the news was announced. But the following days rose and fell but continued to fall, foreign investment was sold almost every day, until on 10/30 before the release of a news, announced that they would represent a new drug that can treat a new coronary pneumonia, but I saw that the market opened yesterday. The daily wave limit was announced until this afternoon to waive the authorization.

He said that purely as far as the stock market is concerned, it is really a slick process. This brings me back to the question at the beginning. The president is Lin Quan and the favorite general of the president Tsai Ing-wen. Do the Financial Services Commission and the prosecutor dare to investigate?

Huang Jianhao also noted in the “authorization letter” that, in fact, Toyo Pharmaceuticals did not mislead people. From the beginning to the end of the public information, it was written to obtain a “conditional authorization letter” and to allow Toyo to negotiate (negotiate) the amount with the government of Taiwan. Delivery time and price, etc.

He said that a lot of news at the beginning, whether from the government deliberately or media negligence, many investors saw the news, on the one hand, they felt that the government was great, and at the same time they thought that they had obtained authorization, because the headline was directly referring to “terms”. Ignore these words and write directly that Toyo has obtained the authorization and agency right, and so on. But seeing the news this time, I’m afraid that many talented people suddenly realized that what they got was just a conditional clearance letter, which is to authorize you to speak. Once the conversations are complete, you are the agent. If the conversations are not good, the conversations will end.

Huang Jianhao said that the attitude of the current government should be very positive and hopes that the negotiation can be concluded as soon as possible. Even the alleged drug company has a history of ground funding, and the command center also volunteered to help clarify. The government will endorse this vaccine. There is no question of ground financing. Note that during the negotiation process, the attitude of the government is that it hopes to remove all obstacles.

But the strange thing is that when one of the parties wants to sell vaccines and one of the parties actively wants to obtain vaccines, it should have been a good thing, but the reason for the final breakup was that the government accused Dongyang of not being able to produce or not being willing to produce official authorization documents. , There is no authorization document, how to speak?

He noted that, for outsiders, only the announcement and follow-up news from the public information observatory were seen in the matter of Toyo’s authorization. But the role of the Ministry of Health and Welfare is very strange. According to the content of the press conference, the government blatantly accused that the negotiations broke down because Toyo was unable to present power. Then I would like to ask Toyo to deliver the news of 12/10 to the press conference on the 3rd. Didn’t the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare see power when the ad broke? If Toyo does not authorize it, what does the Ministry of Health and Welfare mean in these two weeks?

Huang Jianhao said that from a “game-breaking” perspective, if there is a power of attorney, but it is not shown at the end, based on personal experience, there are probably two situations, or both situations:

1. The interests of the intermediary are not negotiated. For example, the numbers written on the authorization letter have a gap with the numbers issued to the government; or the government issued numbers have a gap with the originally discussed numbers. In international trade, the most feared is trade. The two parties negotiate directly, skip the middle man, and then simply break the game first.

In this case, Toyo has only obtained a conditional authorization. The final seller is the German BNT and the final buyer is the government of the ROC. If one of the buyers and sellers wants to bypass the middleman, the right thing to do is break the situation.

2. Toyo claims to be licensed by a German company, but personally purchased a share of Hong Kong 2196 Fuxing Medicine. There is an application that can read Hong Kong stocks in Chinese is Asdaq. There is a news item published in March this year that mentions German pharmaceutical factory BNT exclusively authorized Fuxing Medicine for “clinical trials, application lists and market sales in mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.” So maybe the authorization was not granted by the German BNT but by Fuxing Medicine, which is listed in Hong Kong.

As for “When will there be a vaccine?”, Huang Jianhao pointed out that he did not know, no matter when he obtained or developed it himself, he believed that Chen Shizhong himself did not know and could only keep breaking the news.

In the new corona pneumonia epidemic, the government began in March to promote that we would cooperate with the United States to develop vaccines. In April, the National Institute of Health asked for results in two months. The then Executive Vice President Yuan Chen Qimai was still in an interview with the party media. Zhong said the “Covid-19 Science and Technology Epidemic Prevention Promotion Conference” of the Executive Yuan has formed a national team, and a vaccine can be developed by the end of the year.

It is now November. In addition to the news from the command center again, we have signed a contract with COVAX and the vaccine is expected to be obtained, but we do not know when we will get it. There is other news about the development of the vaccine and cooperation with the United States. Without a trace. Therefore, he remains very pessimistic about Taiwan’s early access to vaccines or antidotes.

Huang Jianhao said that apart from the political party’s position, I certainly hope the government can negotiate well and successfully obtain the new corona pneumonia vaccine. If there are sufficient funds to develop a new antidote for corona pneumonia, we are proud to show the world that masks can be promoted like this. Not to mention, a vaccine or antidote can be developed. But seeing that the government was spending all the funds on various propaganda works, he felt the chances were slim.

Huang Jianhao worries about “there is no vaccine to fight against” in the future, noting that there are now four major vaccine manufacturers, Johnson & Johnson in the United States, Moderna in the United States, AZ in the United Kingdom and BNT in Germany, the focus of this news. Among them, human trials by Johnson & Johnson in the United States and AZ in the United Kingdom have failed. Moderna in the United States has announced that it is only willing to supply to the United States, and BNT remains.

He said that regardless of how Toyo from Taiwan gets BNT authorization, in short, it appears that the pharmaceutical company that has the quickest opportunity to supply vaccines is only BNT from Germany, and Toyo seems to have really wanted to help the government buy 30 million of vaccinations But at this time announced that the negotiations were broken.

The negotiation between the government and the Toyo Company broke down. No matter what the reason, it is necessary to find another company that can bypass Fuxing Medicine and the German BNT to sign the exclusive authorization of mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan to provide vaccines to Taiwan, like this time Toyo Pharmaceuticals. Your understanding is three words: impossible. Therefore, the reason for the failure is that the Ministry of Health and Welfare said that Dongyang could not provide the authorization or other strange reasons that caused the people of Taiwan to miss the opportunity to get vaccinated. The government still has a responsibility to make this clear.

Huang Jianhao also pointed out that another point worthy of attention is that for the original vaccines, the government directly appointed the vaccines for Taikang Biotech as OEM. After looking at the company’s holdings, he felt it was something else worth thinking about. thing.

Huang Jianhao also pointed to a “digression.” He looked at the Public Information Observatory. Toyo’s official announcements were all about new corona pneumonia, but he didn’t know why it was sent to some outlets. The original text became Wuhan pneumonia. The word new corona will be automatically translated on some computers or mobile phones. Wuhan? Will New Year’s New Hope become Wu Nianwu’s hope? Does the champion become the Han army? What happens?

(During the middle)
