New symptoms of COVID-19 in Indian patients? Experts need more data.


The initial symptoms of the novel coronavirus The disease has been identified as influenza and respiratory problems so far, but recently the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the US agency. USA In charge of tracking and investigating public health trends, she has presented new symptoms of new coronaviruses.

These new symptoms include symptoms like chills, repeated shaking with chills, headache, muscle pain, loss of taste and smell.

Some experts say that new symptoms have also been observed in Indian patients, while others have argued that such a study has not yet been published in India and that it requires more evidence and data for this conclusion.

Speaking to IANS, Senior Resident of Department of Infectious Diseases of All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, Dr. Soumyadip Chatterji said: “Yes, we are receiving patients with these complaints.”

Dr. Cahtterji explained that people who have complaints of loss of smell feel very irritated. “Anosmia is very irritating to patients. Anosmia is loss of smell.”

Dr. Chatterji, who is currently published on AIIMS The dedicated COVID center in Jhajjar, Haryana, told IANS that such symptoms in Indian patients with COVID were visible since the end of March. “As the number of patients increased here in India, we also found these symptoms in Indian patients. I recently ran into an elderly diabetic who was unable to take food because he had loss of taste and smell,” said Dr. Chatterji.

The doctor said chills and muscle aches were also known symptoms from the first Chinese reports. Anosmia reportedly emerged in late March and early April. There have been reports from the United States of patients having what looks like frostbite or called COVID toe these days. However, in India blood thickness has been noted in many patients.

Speaking of painful sores or ‘COVID toe’ symptoms, Dr. Cahtterji said he did not meet any patients at the COVID center he is currently in. “I haven’t seen any symptoms like this yet, but I have read in reports about it,” said Dr. Chatterji, adding: “Skin rashes in viral infections are not new. They are common and have not yet been shown to be manifestation in particular is an avid manifestation but its association has been noticed. ”

The reason behind this symptom, Dr. Chatterji said, may be due to inflammation of the vessels as part of the immune response or due to micro clots. However, he said that nothing is clear yet. “We have to keep in mind that micro clots are a threat at COVID and therefore we use anticoagulant medications. But the cause of this awaits confirmation,” he said.

He also said that in any type of viral infection, skin lesions can range from reddish patches called erythematous maculopapular lesions to petechiae, which means bleeding spots on clots in the skin or even this type of what is now called ‘finger COVID ‘on the Internet.

“However, I would like to call it another manifestation of the skin during a viral illness.”

Another doctor, Dr. Bisakh Bhattacharya, a senior resident of the Department of Infectious Diseases at AIIMS, currently published at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) Jhajjar, which is a dedicated AIIMS COVID center, told IANS that if these atypical symptoms show up in patients and the person is from any containment zone, needs to be examined for COVID-19 too.

Dr. Bisakh said, “Many patients have the complaint of severe headache and sometimes do not show typical COVID symptoms such as a cold and cough. Even if a patient complains of these symptoms, he does not have symptoms typical of the new coronavirus. and it comes from a critical point. areas, that person needs to get tested for COVID-19 “.

He also added that, however, it was too early to reach that conclusion, since knowledge about this disease is very dynamic and frequently adds new aspects. “We need more data to make such decisions and there is no government notice about it,” said Dr. Bisakh.

Another doctor, Dr. Gaurav Gupta, from the AIIMS Department of Medicine in Delhi, said: “COVID-19 is a viral disease and the symptoms can range from very mild to severe. These are very similar to other respiratory diseases, such as Flu Some people may have only a few symptoms, and some people may not have any symptoms: older people or those who have existing chronic medical conditions, such as heart disease, lung disease, diabetes, severe obesity, chronic kidney or liver disease, or who having compromised immune systems may not present classic symptoms. ”

Speaking about new coronavirus symptoms, Dr. Gupta said: “In India, no study on this has been published as of now. However, to be suspicious, we added these symptoms to the list with classic symptoms like fever, sore throat and cough. Patients in the older group may have atypical symptoms. ”
