Never sell black heart products? In China’s rotten masks “crash the market for such people” Gary Lin Mingjin was sued | Society |新 头壳 Newtalk


Lin Mingjin brazenly said that he would import rotten blown fabric

Lin Mingjin brazenly said he would import rotten blown fabric “to hit the industry and collapse the market.” Photo: Provided by Shilin Land Attorney

The first case of mask fraud in Taiwan caused public outrage across the country. Lin Mingjin, the head of Jiali Technology of the national mask team, was suspected of wearing masks made in China as medical masks made in Taiwan for profit. Criminal proceeds amounted to 34.07 million yuan. The prosecutor used his mobile phone communication software. The dialogue revealed that he had a conversation with a Chinese manufacturer in August. Despite the fact that the Chinese manufacturer warned that the filtering effect of the mask raw material, the melt blown fabric was rapidly declining, it still relied on the national team to import it, and said “I want to import rotten molten fabric to hit the industry and collapse the market.! ”The prosecutor shook his head. On the 15th, Lin was sued for fraud and other crimes, and his property in Beishi and more than 17 million yuan of property were confiscated.

Lin Mingjin publicly apologized after being investigated and searched at the time of the case: “I may be a bad person and misbehave, but there is absolutely no problem with the product. I will never sell unscrupulous products.” After the account and cash were deducted, he repaid the loan to take care of the employees. 100,000 yuan was returned and changed to the public to create himself as a conscientious businessman, but the prosecutor discovered by seizing his mobile phone that Lin Mingjin knew that the molten cloth mask contained an electrostatic filtering layer, and the effect China’s filtering system was rapidly declining. It is impossible to store five years as medical masks in Taiwan, but he intends to import 2 tons of molten cloth raw materials, and also notes that “the way the moron regime responds.”

Once, Chinese manufacturers were concerned that they would not be able to import them. Lin Mingjin said he would bring a third of the finished masks: “I can hand them over to the government anyway”, “I am not afraid”, and asked the manufacturers to put on the Gali “Carry mask” masks. While Chinese manufacturers are concerned about random inspections, Lin Mingjin’s message replied that “there are no random inspections” and “because non-medical products” are imported by the national team and can be used for speedy customs clearance. In addition, the Chinese manufacturer once recalled that the filtering effect of the melt blown fabric declined rapidly. Lin Mingjin actually said, “I know it’s cracking down on the industry and hitting hard. It only takes 2-3 meals and destroys the market for those people.” Fortunately, the inspection was received in early September. Immediately report, investigate and seize.

Prosecutors determined that the importation of mixed-fill masks from Lin Mingjin was illegal and still insisted on doing so. He was prosecuted for the crime of manufacturing medical equipment without approval, the crime of falsely marking the country of origin of the products in criminal law and fraud. Furthermore, the “Special Construction” company run by Lin Mingjin is also suspected of illegally manufacturing medical masks for children, and is also sued under the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law. The prosecutor noted that the two companies, including Gali, were fined ten times in accordance with the provisions of the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law, and the maximum fine was 200 million yuan. To preserve the proceeds of crime, in addition to deducting 8.03 million yuan from the Gali Company, he also applied to the court for permission to seize more than 9 million yuan in Lin’s bank account, as well as the land and buildings located in the Neihu district of Beishi.

The prosecution mentioned that Gali was included as a member of the National Mask Team by the Ministry of Health and Welfare in January this year, and was charged by the government at a price of 2.7 yuan per mask. As Lin Mingjin is familiar with the Chinese, starting June 18, at 1.49 yuan a piece, he will import non-medical masks from Anjingrui Company in Anhui, China, as Gali medical masks to earn the difference. The prosecutor also found that, as a national mask team, Gali was able to purchase a non-woven fabric manufacturer from the Ministry of Economy at a price below the market price. It bought a total of 9,792 kilograms of meltblown nonwovens for medical masks. Masks made in China are mixed and paid for for profit.

The prosecutor found out from the seizure of his mobile phone that Lin Mingjin knew that the filter layer of the blown fabric mask contained static electricity, and that the filtering effect of Chinese manufacturing was rapidly waning. It couldn’t be stored for 5 years like Taiwanese medical masks, but it planned to import 2 tons of molten cloth. When it comes to raw materials, Chinese manufacturers were once concerned about not being able to import them. Lin Mingjin said that he was wearing a third of the finished masks: “I can hand them over to the government anyway”, “I am not afraid”, and asked the manufacturers to use “Wear masks”. While Chinese manufacturers are concerned about random inspections, Lin Mingjin’s message replied that “there are no random inspections” and “because non-medical products” are imported by the national team and can be used for speedy customs clearance. Another Chinese manufacturer once recalled that the filtering effect of meltblown fabric declined rapidly. Lin Mingjin actually said, “I know it’s cracking down on the industry and hitting hard. It only takes 2-3 meals to destroy the market for those people.” Fortunately, the inspection was received in early September. Immediately report, investigate and seize.

The first case of mask fraud in Taiwan caused public outrage across the country. Lin Mingjin, the head of Jiali Technology of the national mask team, was suspected of wearing masks made in China as medical masks made in Taiwan for profit. Criminal proceeds amounted to 34.07 million yuan. The prosecutor used his mobile phone communication software. The dialogue found that he had a conversation with a Chinese manufacturer in August. Despite being reminded by the Chinese manufacturer that the filtering effect of melt blown cloth mask material was rapidly diminishing, he still imported it under the name of the national team and said “I want to import rotten molten cloth to attack the industry and crash the market.! ”The prosecutor shook his head. On the 15th, Lin was sued for fraud and other crimes, and his property in Beishi and more than 17 million yuan of property were confiscated.
