NBA “Zhan Huang Praises Los Angeles as the City of Champions, Baseball and Double Crowns, a Matching Tribute to Kobe-Free Times News


  1. NBA “Zhan Huang Praises Los Angeles as the City of Champions, Baseball and Double Crowns, Matching Tribute to the Kobe Free Times Newsletter
  2. Dodge’s 3: 1 glory wins World Series championship in 32 years-Formosa TV News network
  3. MLB / Betts key long-standing success leads team to reverse Dodge 32-year victory Yahoo News
  4. World Series | Arosarena, the man who set an all-seat record, is surprised to continue on Taiwan Apple Daily
  5. MLB / End of Light Miracle Dodge wins the World Series Championship again after 32 years. United News Network
  6. Go to Google News to see the full report