NBA “Did the Lakers understand perfectly that Dantoni’s” small ball tactic “was the champion’s poison? -Free Times Newsletter


  1. NBA “Did the Lakers understand perfectly that Dantoni’s” small ball tactic “was the champion’s poison? Liberty Times Bulletin
  2. NBA “Rockets lose 3 straight games to Lakers, Westbrook is speechless Yahoo News
  3. Davis scores 29 points, Zhan Huang and the Lakers win again the Rockets draw-Formosa TV News network Formosa TV News network
  4. Quasi-Major Ternary James Leads Lake Manpower Rocket Series NBA Taiwan Draw | Lianhe News
  5. NBA / Regaining the old line of “buying offenses”? Harden scored just 2 goals and tied the record with 21 points. Yahoo News
  6. Go to Google News to see the full report