NBA / Curry Scored 8 3s and Scored 62 Points to Win Double Arms for the Pioneers | Sports | NOWnews Today News


NBA / Curry Scored 8 3s and Scored 62 Points to Win Double Arms for the Pioneers | Sports | NOWnews Today News

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NOWnews Today's News

Reporter Huang Jianlin / Full Report

2021-01-04 12:55:12

Stephen Curry.  (Photo / Associated Press / Dazhi Video)
▲ Stephen Curry. (Photo / Associated Press / Dazhi Video)

Golden State Warriors superstar Stephen Curry hit 8 3-pointers today, scoring a career-high 62 points, leading the Warriors to a 137: 122 win. In contrast, the Portland Trail Blazers “doubles” Damian Lillard and CJ McCollum only scored 60 points in total today.

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After losing to the Blazers in the last game, Curry decided to attack with all his might from the start of the game. He scored 21 points in the first quarter and scored more than 30 points in both halves, finally finishing his first career game with more than 60 points. In the game, it was also the seventh time a single game exceeded 50 points and the 39th time it exceeded 40 points. In fact, the pioneers played well today. Lillard scored 32 points on 10 of 24 shooting and guard McCollum scored 28 points on 10 of 23 shooting. The two made 8 triples and scored 60 points. But unfortunately, Curry played too well today and his total score is not as good as the last one.

Curry scored 60 points today at the age of 32 and 295, becoming the second-oldest player in history to score 60 points. First place? Kobe Bryant set a record in retirement at 37 years and 234 days.

Interestingly, after the game, Warriors owner Joe Lacob asked Curry if he would still play tomorrow. The three-time champion guard smiled and said, “I have so many more!”

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