Native +1! Was Aunt 839’s case diagnosed as “affecting the community”? Chen Shizhong replied-China TV News


Native +1!  Was Aunt 839's case diagnosed as

Full report from Xu Yunting / Taipei City

[Actualización 15:40: estado detallado del caso]

【14:08 Posted

The Central Epidemic Command Center announced today (5) a new confirmed case of COVID-19 in China (Case 924), the aunt of Case 839 and the wife of Case 870.

The command center stated that Case 924 is a 40-year-old woman who was listed as the contact person for Case 839 and Case 870. She has been quarantined at her residence since January 12. He suffered from an itchy throat on February 1. and he was released from quarantine on the 3rd. He did not come out, the quarantine period expired on the 4th, and he was diagnosed today. Since the two family members who lived in the case had previously been included as contacts in Case 839 and Case 870, the list will not be repeated and the period of home isolation for the two will be extended until February 18.

The infection sequence of case 924 is very long. Zhang Shangchun said

The media are concerned that the nurse in case 839 was diagnosed on January 9, but case 924 was diagnosed until today. Zhang Shangchun, the coordinator of the command center’s expert advisory group, said that although the case had an itchy throat on February 1, whether it was the start day or not, from a clinical point of view, “there is no way to determine. “The CT value for case 924 was 32, perhaps earlier. I just got the virus, now it’s late.

Case 924 had contact with the two family members of case 839 and case 870. Zhang Shangchun frankly said that he could not understand precisely when the virus was infected, but now that the CT value is high, he will continue noting the following result of the CT value test to make a comprehensive judgment., He highlighted that case 924 was isolated at home after being infected with the virus, and there were no other contacts except family members who they lived with them.

How does the diagnosis of Case 924 affect the community? Chen Shizhong: Very low

Commander Chen Shizhong explained that Case 924’s fingerprints, except for being called for inspection after the quarantine period, have been in quarantine since January 12, and Cases 839, 870 and 924 live together. Chen Shizhong mentioned that the 924 case diagnosed today is “still within the firewall” for society; For Butao, the relationship has been severed for a long time and it has no effect on the Butao project; the two remaining members of the family remain in isolation until February 18. Today, all the tests are negative.

Chen Shizhong stressed that the diagnosis of Case 924 has a “very low impact” on the community and is separate from the community, and the alert period for the Butao project will not be delayed. He further noted that the current target groups of confirmed contacts have been captured, and if the non-target groups reappear, we will think that the epidemic still needs to be continuously watched. “So far, we have proceeded in accordance with our original direction and goals.” I hope this wave of epidemic can pass quickly.

News source: China TV News
