National High School changed at 9:30 and came to school 3 years ago, “someone mentioned it a long time ago,” the Ministry of Education said at the time-Life-Zhongshi News Network


Recently, the “Public Policy Network Participation Platform” has a proposal from Internet users to postpone the arrival time of the national and secondary school from 7:30 to 9:30. After 2 days of review, the case was completed. In just 10 days, 8,000 people signed it. The second stage caused controversy between the two factions. In fact, two years ago similar questions were raised, and at that time the response of the Ministry of Education was also exposed.

Netizens proposed on the 12th that “the school hours of national secondary schools should be changed from 9:30 to 5:00”, and it was launched on the 14th after 2 days of review. At 9:30 p.m. M. Del 25, 8,038 people had seconded and entered the final agency to respond. The deadline for response is February 23 of next year.

So far, there are 8,038 supporters and they have reached the final stage of agency response.  (Photo / Participation platform of the public policy network)
So far, there are 8,038 supporters and they have reached the final stage of agency response. (Photo / Participation platform of the public policy network)

The news exposure also triggered verbal conversations between students and netizens. Supporters believe there is no point in getting up early, studying early, and following the DPRK, and that learning efficiency and concentration will only decrease; opponents criticize arriving to school 2 hours late, which will only change. Many people go to bed 2 hours late and fall asleep in class, and how do you adjust to work at 7 o’clock after leaving society?

In fact, as early as 2017, there was a proposal to change high school, middle school, and elementary school classes from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., which also sparked a lot of discussion. The Ministry of Education responded in January 2018, saying: “If students’ class time is reduced, students will not have enough time to learn established content and develop basic literacy, and they will also reduce the time for activities between student classes, and after-school learning and student activity arrangements need related support measures to guide students to diversify their interests Learn to achieve the goal of appropriate talent development. “

The Ministry of Education pointed out that if the students’ school hours are changed from 9 to 15 hours, the number of course credits (sessions) specified in the study plan will be eliminated and the number of course credits (sessions) will be eliminated. , which will affect the basic academic ability of students. And the problem of the connection to the university, will affect the current regulations of the school on the number of teachers, or will cause problems such as insufficient basic teaching sessions per week for the current group of teachers.

The Ministry of Education also added that if it is necessary to adjust students’ school hours, schools can organize their own schedules in accordance with the “student time in school” regulations established by the competent authority; for upper secondary schools, each school can be flexible Part of the school day has been adjusted to arrive at school at 8 a.m. In addition, it is up to students to choose whether to participate in school tutoring during the semester (Section 8) .

(Zhongshi News Network)
