Mother forced her to marry her uncle! The truth about an 11-year-old girl who’s been married for 30 years “until she got pregnant” | New |


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Modern people know the notion that close relatives cannot marry close relatives, because children born this way can have unsanitary conditions. Therefore, the laws of many countries clearly prohibit close relatives. However, in ancient times, this concept was not developed. It is common to marry each other, especially in the palace. To guarantee blood nobility, there has been an example of an 11-year-old concubine who marries an uncle, namely Zhang Yan, the queen of Emperor Han Hui in ancient China.

▲ Zhang Yan married the palace as queen at the age of 11. (Photo / Inverted from Sina’s “Watching a Good Show Together” video)

In fact, Zhang Yan’s grandfather and grandmother were Liu Bang, the founding emperor of the Western Han Dynasty, and his pheasant Empress Lu. Pheasant Lu was notoriously mind-blowing. Not only did he do a lot of bad things for Liu Bang, but he also wanted to listen to politics and control the world after Liu Bang’s death. And Zhang Yan is Lu’s daughterThe son of Princess Li Luyuan. But when Zhang Yan was 11 years old, his uncle Liu Ying had succeeded to the throne, Emperor Han Hui in history.

Lu Fei loves his children very much, and even holds Zhang Yan in the palm of his hand.To prevent his granddaughter from being bullied and consolidate his native power, Lu Fei simply asked Zhang Yan to marry Emperor Hui of the Han of pure heart. Zhang Yan became the mother of a country when she was 11 years old, but Emperor Hui of Han also knew that Zhang Yan was young and ignorant, so it was impossible to share a room with Zhang Yan. As a result, even if Zhang Yan was growing, there was still no one and a half below his knees. Female.

▲ Zhang Yan was forced to marry her uncle, but was unable to give birth to one and a half children after marriage. (Image / reverse of Sina’s video from “Watching a Good Show Together”)

However, to meet the physical needs of Emperor Hui of the Han Dynasty, she had a relationship with the palace maiden, causing the low-status maiden to become pregnant with the dragon seed. Lu Zhi was furious when she first found out, but then she changed her mind and asked Zhang Yan to pretend to be pregnant. Months later, he brought the girl’s boy from the palace to Zhang Yan to raise him, and he became the queen’s first born prince, and this prince was Liu Gong, who would succeed him in the future.

However, Liu Gong did not live long. Lu Fei was concerned that Liu Gong would know that his life experience would in turn cause Zhang Yan to avenge his birth mother. So shortly after Liu Gong came to the throne, he assassinated Liu Gong and replaced Liu Ying’s youngest son, Liu Hongji. Zhang Yan was named Empress Zhang because Lv’s pheasant was still on the throne. It was not until the end of the Lvhou clan and Emperor Hanwen Liu Heng came to power that Zhang Yan was named Empress Xiaohui and died alone in the cold palace.

After Zhang Yan’s death, he did not build a new tomb. Instead, she buried her body along with Emperor Hui of the Han Dynasty. However, when the maid was cleaning Zhang Yan, she found out that Zhang Yan, who had been married for many years, was still a virgin and the imperial power was chaotic. . In the dynasty, he kept his body as jade until death, and he let posterity admire him. Therefore, after Zhang Yan’s death, many people even named Zhang Yan and the flower god Gao Jie, and helped Zhang Yanli Temple to consecrate her and let Zhang Yan’s reputation spread. till the date.
