Most Dominant Day in Jiang Wanan History! Banging the Table, Shouting: “Everyone’s Cheating!”


The Cai government announced in August that it would open the import of US pigs and US cattle older than 30 months and amend Lycein’s waste standards. This means that it is not just from the United States. Starting next year, pigs and cattle from other countries can also be exported to Taiwan as long as they meet Lycein’s standards. Lawmaker Jiang Wanan asked yesterday (15) that he changed his usual smooth and elegant image, beat the table with enthusiasm, enraged the Ministry of Health and Welfare and criticized the policy of the Ministry of Health and Welfare of only marking the place of production, not mark the inclusion of lysate, how can ordinary people identify it? The government has repeatedly said that people can choose, but “everything is a lie!” Health and Welfare Minister Chen Shizhong also candidly admitted that he himself “has no way” of identifying whether processed products contain licorice.

The Legislative Yuan held a joint meeting yesterday. Jiang Wanan took the new road crank drink system as an example next year. The Ministry of Health and Welfare requires that calories, sugar, and caffeine be labeled, but when it comes to pig and cattle imports, only the place of origin is marked. It does not contain lysine. If people can only choose imported meat for convenience, how to choose meat that does not contain lysine from the products of various countries? If it is a product made from a mixture of pork from several countries, how can you identify what does and does not contain lysine? Jiang repeatedly asked Chen Shizhong about this question. Chen would always skip the points and keep responding with “This is another proposal” and “Today is the place of origin labeling regulations.” However, he couldn’t help but confess that there was no way to identify and process without the tag. If the product contains lysine.

Regarding this, Jiang Wanan was tough and directly asked Chen Shizhong to reply, “Is there any way to identify him? Yes or no!” Chen said bluntly, “No.” Jiang Yi heard that he was even more angry and scolded him: “You can’t identify processed foods, How do you want people to identify themselves? How do you want people to choose? Minister! Don’t say empty words here! Everything is scams! It’s all lies! Today we are reviewing the labeling regulations in the executive order, and you say you can’t do anything here. Recognition! “Even Minister Weifu admitted that there is no way to recognize it. How can I recognize it? Chen repeatedly declared that he would mark the place of origin, and Jiang yelled, “Don’t fool yourself anymore!”

Jiang Wanan’s performance in their previous style changed, and many netizens praised them. They left a message: “Wan’an is super dominant and handsome! That’s right!” “Give Jiang Wan’an 10,000 like”, “Investigation momentum has improved, facing ridicule Those who are corrupt should be more resourceful in their reaction, drown a few more times and be competent, come on” ” That’s great! Only with such a strong question can you convince the respect of the officials and the people who support the committee! “” Jiang The committee members are the future hope of the Kuomintang! The Kuomintang should toughen up like this! “

Article Source: Legislative Yuan Official Website: Jiang Wanan Interrogation Video

(Zhongshi News Network)
