Moss Taojie A7 station store manager infected with epidemic Moss statement: Yesterday has been closed and disinfected-Life-Zhongshi News Network


The footprints of the family of 3 nurses were on display, heading to the Taoyuan South Gate Market and Taogemos Burger.  (Photo / provided by the command center)
The footprints of the family of 3 nurses were on display, heading to the Taoyuan South Gate Market and Taogemos Burger. (Photo / provided by the command center)

(Updated at 3:20 AM) Mos Burger released a statement stating that Case 865 is an employee of the Moss branch at Taoyuan MRT A7 station. To ensure the safety and health of employees and customers, the branch has been closed and disinfected since January 18.

Case 863 contacts.  (Photo / provided by the command center)
Case 863 contacts. (Photo / provided by the command center)

The husband (case 864) and daughter (case 865) of the confirmed nurse (case 863) were diagnosed today. The command center also announced the confirmed nurse’s family fingerprints today. The nurse and husband entered South Taoyuan on January 13-16. At the gate market, the time is between 11 am and 1 pm The other prints are still under investigation; the daughter of another nurse (case 865) works at Morse Burger in Tao Jie A7, and will work from January 16-18. But the moment is unknown.

There are currently four new local cases in China. Two of them are relatives of a 50-year-old nurse (case 863). They are the husband (case 864) and daughter (case 865) of the nurse. There are currently 7 Relatives and 17 contacts in the workplace, all of whom are still making arrangements for inspection.

The command center also announced the fingerprints of the confirmed nurses today. Cases 863 (nursing therapist) and 864 (husband) entered the Taoyuan South Gate market on January 13 and 16, respectively, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Contacts of cases 864 and 865. (Photo / provided by the command center)
Contacts of cases 864 and 865. (Photo / provided by the command center)

Case 865 works in a fast food restaurant, do you have any contact with customers? Chen Shizhong said that he and the store manager paid attention to the preparation of the ingredients, the sale, delivery and payment. There is no way to grab the contacts, so the fingerprints are announced first. We hope that the scope of influence of the clusters in the hospital is minimized, in the community we try to isolate the source of possible spread, and we hope that they do not go to the community.

The infection of family doctors and nurses has made the outside world worry about the risk of the community. In this regard, command center commander Chen Shizhong said the hospital has gathered close contacts of the infected nursing staff at home and has seen no signs of entering the community, but rather the family and community. The contact status of the country should be clarified by investigating the epidemic.

Chen Shizhong said that case 864 (husband) worked in a shelter in a completely closed environment, which included counselors, some of them were isolated at home and some people in the hospital would be isolated at home.

In response, Mos Burger issued a statement stating that in the local case announced by the command center today (19), the daughter of the confirmed nurse (Case 865) was an employee of the Mos Burger Taoyuan MRT A7 station branch, with In order to ensure safe and healthy employees and customers, the branch has been closed since January 18 and the store is also fully disinfected.

Case 856 contacts.  (Photo / provided by the command center)
Case 856 contacts. (Photo / provided by the command center)

Regarding community infections caused by nosocomial infections, the community contacts of nurses in case 852 (the girlfriend of confirmed doctor 838) collected the results of the examinations. Chen Shizhong said that of the 76 patients, 63 patients and their accompanying contacts have been examined. All samples were negative and the other 13 people were testing. Two additional patients and accompanying relatives were also negative, and 8 inmates were also negative.

At present, 8 students and teachers have taken a total of 8 people who are interested in going to school to continue their studies, and the results are all negative.

Today the daughter of the nursing caregiver Case 863 was diagnosed. The case was working at the Taojie A7 station.  In response, MOS Burger also issued a statement stating that the branch had been closed yesterday and completely disinfected.  (Photo: provided by Mos Burger)
Today the daughter of the nursing caregiver Case 863 was diagnosed. The case was working at the Taojie A7 station. In response, MOS Burger also issued a statement stating that the branch had been closed yesterday and completely disinfected. (Photo: provided by Mos Burger)

(Zhongshi News Network)
