Mom Flaunts “20 Months to the End of the Year” Ruined Her Balance: She Wants to Work Overtime Next Year | New | NOWnews Today News


Mom Flaunts “20 Months to the End of the Year” Ruined Her Balance: She Wants to Work Overtime Next Year | New | NOWnews Today News

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NOWnews Today's News

Editorial Center / General Report

2021-02-14 15:50:14

Bank bill
▲ A netizen said that he had received year-end dividends to 20 months. Unexpectedly, after her mother found out, she would show off to family and friends over the New Year, so she had to keep pulling out red envelopes. (Data photo from Sketches / NOWnews)

It coincides with the Lunar New Year, and many companies will award year-end bonuses, in the hope that employees can return home for a good year. However, one netizen said that the company made a lot of money this year, for which it paid out up to 20 months of year-end dividends. Unexpectedly, after my mother found out, she would continue to show off to family and friends during the Chinese New Year, so she constantly had to pull out the red envelopes. After the ending balance was exposed, he even sighed: “I want to work overtime next year with the company”!

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A netizen mentioned in the forum “Dcard”: “This year, the company has made a lot of money for 20 months at the end of the year, plus I got a new master’s degree, so the amount is not low. But my mother Said that all the relatives know it and they love the face. In particular, I told my grandfather and grandfather that they had to pay 60,6 yuan for them. “

▲ After the red envelope is issued during Chinese New Year, the original year-end balance of the purchase order is left with the monthly salary of 1 month.  (Image / Flip Dcard
▲ After the red envelope is issued during Chinese New Year, the original year-end balance of the purchase order is left with the monthly salary of 1 month. (Image / remove Dcard from society)

In the end, during the Chinese New Year, the original po repeatedly took 4 or 5 ATM cards to withdraw money. “A group of relatives and a group of children have to accept my red envelopes. Now I have less than 1 month left at the end of the year. It is better to work overtime in the company.” After the presentation of the process, it also generated discussions. Many netizens also lamented, “I am also a subsidiary and a subsidiary, who is to blame” and “You can only give more each year, but not less. If it is not 20 months next year, don’t you have to return the money? “,” “Family blackmail” “So you feel like you really enjoy a lot of red envelopes? Otherwise, what if you don’t include them? “Word, happy to be willing to accept,” “for the sake of the mother’s face, pay a painful price.” (Publisher: Pan Yi)

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