MLB “for the first time in history! Yankees in 3 battles at least 6 bombed the Bluebirds for 8 consecutive victories (video) -Free Times News


  1. MLB “for the first time in history! Yankees in 3 battles at least 6 bombed the Bluebirds for 8 consecutive victories (video) Free Times News
  2. For the first time in MLB / Yankees history, Donggang Kyle’s “ninth bar” of a single three-shot game Yahoo Sports
  3. Yankees win seven straight wins, Cole’s career yum wins-Formosa TV News network Formosa TV News network
  4. For the first time in MLB / Yankees history, a single game with 5 hits and 3 games with at least 6 hits broke the all-time record. UDN United News Network
  5. MLB / Three straight games hit at least 6 in a single game to bombard the Yankees to hit the line of writing a Yahoo Sports record
  6. Go to Google News to see the full report