Missing F-16 Pilot Not Found Yet Wing NCO Actually Drank Alcohol in Violation of Discipline and Air Force Severely Punished | News | NOWnews Today News


Missing F-16 Pilot Not Found Wing Noncommissioned Officer Actually Drank Alcohol In Violation Of Discipline And Air Force Severely Punished | News | NOWnews Today News

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Missing F-16 pilot not found! Wing sergeant drank alcohol in violation of discipline

Reporter Lu Jiongchang / Taipei Report

calendar_today2020-12-15 08: 28: 51 |to update2020-12-15 11:19:49

The F-16 fighter plane of the Fifth Wing of Hualien Base.  (Data photo / reporter photo Lu Jiongchang)
▲ F-16 fighters from the Fifth Wing of Hualien Base. (Data photo / reporter photo Lu Jiongchang)

Colonel Jiang Zhengzhi, captain of the 26th Combat Tactical Combat Team of the Fifth Mixed Tactical Wing of Hualien Air Force Base, lost contact with an F-16 on November 17. The search is still in progress, but the Wing Warrant Officer was found drinking and enjoying himself at the base. The Air Force Command declared today (15) that he has been severely punished in accordance with the relevant regulations and will never give credit.

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In response to media reports of “Deterioration of Military Discipline! NCO Wing Drinking and Amusing PO Website”, Air Force Command stated today that the Fifth Wing will conduct administrative investigations at the receive the notification. Violations such as “internal alcohol consumption” have been severely punished in accordance with the relevant regulations. The Air Force Command emphasized that the relevant cadre faults adhere to the principles of “non-inconsistency” and “retain the superior and eliminate the inferior”, and punish strictly and never lenient loans in accordance with regulations; additional assistance is a case, the continued implementation of military law and discipline requirements and the strengthening of internal management, To prevent the regeneration of similar cases.

※ 【NOWnews Today News】 Remember not to drive after drinking, drinking too much is bad for your health!

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